A few days ago, after coming under criticism for my answer to a question about Libya in an interview, I made a lighthearted comment that reflected all this - that I'm not supposed to know everything (most of the media quoted me as saying "anything") about foreign policy.

Bizarre things happen when you run for president, one of which is that statements like this go viral, with people claiming I had somehow made the case that no knowledge of world affairs is required for the job.

I obviously don't think that, but I'm also quite willing be honest about my strengths. My background is in the business world, and my greatest strength concerns the economy. My motivation in running for president is to apply my leadership skills to all issues - foreign and domestic. But clearly, as I have met with foreign policy luminaries like John Bolton and Henry Kissinger, I have done a lot more listening than talking - because they know a lot more about it than I do, and it would be absurd for me to claim otherwise.

That said, a man taking the oath of office for the presidency must have a sense of America's place in the world, and must have a clear idea of the challenges, threats and opportunities that present themselves. Otherwise, success on the economic front likely goes for naught, as mistakes in the international arena tend to be costly both in the short term and in the long term.

My approach to foreign policy is to apply a general set of principles to each situation we face, and I have summarized these principles as peace through strength and clarity. This is a modernized version of the Reagan philosophy that helped bring down the Soviet Union and the communist regimes of Eastern Europe, and also won a series of victories - though not a complete and lasting victory - in South and Central America.

What does this mean?

In a broad sense, it means that I would not retreat on initiatives that strengthen America's strategic standing in order to buy some sort of accommodation with those who do not have an interest in our security. For example, I would not have welched on America's commitment to install a missile defense system in Eastern Europe because the Russians didn't like it. The security of the U.S. and our allies would take precedence over the concerns of a nation whose strategic interests are often contrary to ours.

That is one of the reasons I would not have signed the New START treaty, as President Obama did in 2010. Not only did that treaty commit America to arms reductions that the Russians would not necessarily have to match, but it permitted them to maintain a sizable advantage in tactical nuclear weapons, while ignoring programs and ambitions of other nations like Iran, North Korea, China and Pakistan. But more to the point, we simply don't need to be signing treaties like this with unfriendly countries. The United States can make its own decisions about the nature and the volume of strategic assets we want to deploy. We don't need to ask anyone's permission.

As president, I intend to be a strong supporter of America's strongest allies, and that absolutely includes Israel. I agree with the statement of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that if Israel's enemies were to lay down their weapons today, there would be peace, whereas if Israel were to lay down its weapons, there would be no more Israel. Supporting Israel is crucial not only because it is an important strategic ally, but also because it is the most free and democratic nation in the region, and a threat to Israel's security is a threat to freedom everywhere.

Peace through strength and clarity means there is no doubt about where we stand, for what we stand and with whom we stand. We stand in support of free nations who respect the rights of their people and do not threaten their neighbors. And we treat our allies like allies. President Obama's lukewarm treatment of Great Britain has served to create tension within the most important strategic relationship we have ever had. Likewise, his friendly embrace of Venezuela's Hugo Chavez during a meeting of regional leaders sent exactly the wrong signal, as did his naïve statement during the 2008 campaign that he would sit down and talk to Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad without conditions.

Peace through strength means recognizing that we are the United States, and we are the ones who approach these things from a position of strategic superiority. Clarity means we treat our allies like allies, and others have to earn the right to stand with us (and that especially applies to those who hope to receive aid from us - that isn't happening if you are hostile to us or to our allies).

I agree with former President George W. Bush that the United States should promote free democratic movements throughout the world, and that it is in our strategic interests to do so. That does not mean we try to "impose democracy at the barrel of a gun," as some of Bush's rather disingenuous critics claimed he was doing. It means we support these movements where the opportunity presents itself (as President Obama should have in Iran and Syria) or when strategic necessity compels us (as I believe President Bush correctly did in Iraq in 2003). And you don't always have to use force.

Peace through strength and clarity also recognizes the danger posed by nuclear proliferation, particularly when it involves regimes like Iran or North Korea, which give every reason to believe they may initiate the use of nuclear weapons against other nations. The U.S. must be willing to use its power to stop nuclear proliferation. If we regard such action as beyond the pale, then we essentially concede that all non-proliferation agreements are meaningless.

The most effective application of strength is that which is rarely used. Our troops are already overstretched and our financial resources are limited. An America that is capable and ready, and backs up what it says, won't have to take action all that often. The world's bad actors will know we are serious.

I think it's clear by now that I am not going to score the best of all the candidates on media pop quizzes about the details of current international events. Some have claimed that I take some sort of perverse satisfaction in not knowing all these details. That is not true. I want to know as much as I can. But a leader leads by gathering all the information available in a given situation, and making the best decision at the time based on that information, and in accordance with sound principles. As president, I would not be required to make decisions on the spur of the moment based on a question from a reporter. I would make them the way I made them as a CEO - based on careful consideration of all the facts and the best advice of the best people.

But it is crucial to understand that my foreign policy decisions will always be based on the principles I have laid out here. That will not change, because these are the principles that best represent America's heritage, and best advance our interests, as well as the interests of all freedom-loving nations and peoples.

Herman Cain Reacts to Obama's Super Committee Super Failure

"President Obama and his ultraliberal, anti-job creating comrades in the Democrat Party are apoplectic because Republicans are standing strong with the American people, refusing to hike their taxes during Obama's Great Recession. Obama, again, is failing Americans, providing no leadership, and exacerbating our national debt to more than $15 trillion - over $48,000 for every American man, woman and child.

"We must immediately cut spending - for real, not the Obama way - and dismantle the barriers to growth. We must simplify the tax code, which my '9-9-9 Plan' does. According to former Reagan Treasury official Gary Robbins, of Fiscal Associates, 9-9-9 will expand our GDP by $2 trillion, create 6 million new jobs, increase business investment by one-third, and increase wages by 10 percent.

New leadership in Washington after Nov. 6, 2012 will unleash the American spirit of prosperity once again and toss Obama's failed economic leadership into the history books."



Cain Campaign Announces 800th Precinct Captain in Iowa - People Ready to 'Put a CEO in the White House.

Steve Grubbs, the Iowa Chairman for the Herman Cain for President Campaign announced today that the organizational effort in Iowa had reached a significant milestone: 800 precinct captains across the state.

"Our entire grassroots team continues their sprint to the caucuses. On October 20th, the campaign started with 30 precinct captains and less than a month later, has successfully reached 800 precinct captains across the state," said Steve Grubbs, Iowa campaign chair. "I want to congratulate Larry Tuel and his Des Moines staff for their herculean effort. People have wondered if four paid staffers could get the job done of much larger staffs, but with our legion of passionate grassroots volunteers, we are seeing a true revolution in American politics."

There are roughly 1600 precincts in Iowa and each one will hold a Republican caucus on January 3rd. Some urban caucuses will be combined with other precincts making the job of organizing a little easier.

"The rapid growth of our organizational effort in Iowa shows that despite whatever challenges may present themselves, the Cain Campaign is charging ahead," said Mark Block, Chief Political Strategist and Chief of Staff for the campaign effort. "Our social media model delivered roughly 25 percent of our Iowa precinct captains which is a tribute to our people and the new model of campaigning in the United States."

With less than six weeks before the First-in-the-Nation Iowa Caucuses, the Iowa Cain team still has a big task in front of it. "We are filling our Des Moines phone bank with volunteers every day and using our Internet-based phone system as well to leverage our volunteers across the state," said Larry Tuel, State Director for the Iowa Cain campaign.

"As a point of comparison, when I worked with the Dole and Forbes campaigns, we spent six to eight months getting our precinct captains lined up. I believe the Cain campaign will accomplish the same thing in about eight weeks," said Grubbs. "People have doubted this campaign from the beginning, but people are ready to put a CEO in the White House and get this economy turned around."

Phone bank director, Steven Hensler, has headed up the phone calling in Iowa along with Lisa Lockwood and Zach Dalluge.



Herman Cain Picks Up Eight Endorsements from Key New Hampshire Legislators

Republican Presidential candidate Herman Cain received eight additional endorsements today from key New Hampshire GOP political leaders, including a former U.S. Attorney and current and former New Hampshire State Representatives.

These latest endorsements came in advance of Mr. Cain's successful visit to the Granite State to personally file his delegate list.

Mr. Cain received additional endorsements from: Thomas Colantuono, former U.S. Attorney for NH; former Rep. Mark Carter (Hillsborough-19); Rep. Sam Cataldo (Strafford-03); Rep. William Condra (Hillsborough-04); former Rep. Robert Giuda (Grafton-02); former Rep. James A. Lawrence III (Hillsborough-18); Rep. Kevin Reichard (Rockingham-05); Rep. Joseph Thomas (Hillsborough-19).

Early last month, Mr. Cain received the endorsements from the following individuals: Rep. Steven Smith (Sullivan-05); Rep. J. Michael Ball (Hillsborough-09); Rep. William Panek (Strafford-0 3); Rep. Charles Brosseau (Grafton-0District 6); and Jack Kimball, former Chairman of the New Hampshire GOP Committee.

"I greatly appreciate the vote of confidence from these distinguished New Hampshire GOP leaders," said Herman Cain. "These gentlemen are fine public servants and with their help we will win the Republican nomination."

Lack of Obama Leadership Will Lead Super Committee to Super Failure

With T-minus 7 days until the Super Committee's deadline to find $1.2 trillion in deficit reduction, the countdown has begun and Republican Presidential candidate and businessman Herman Cain today asked, "Where is the presidential leadership?"

The President's lack of leadership and obvious failure to reduce the nation's debt in half, as promised, has exacerbated our debt crisis to $15 trillion - over $48,000 of debt for every American man, woman and child.

It's very unlikely the Super Committee will achieve anything meaningful with respect to budget discipline. While there are many reasons for this, the biggest is the lack of presidential leadership.

"President Obama hasn't demonstrated an understanding of how far beyond its means the federal government is living. Consider: The president touted $1.2 trillion in slowing the rate of government growth over 10 years as a major achievement but thought nothing of perpetrating an $862 billion 'stimulus' package just months after taking office. And when it didn't stimulate any economic growth, he asked Congress for another spending extravaganza worth more than $400 billion," said Cain.

While President Obama sits on the sidelines and career politicians fight over what programs to cut, the American people are suffering and demanding new leadership in the White House. Of course, all of this requires an understanding of the problem, and the political will to actually solve it. And that will require new leadership, because we already know the current leader has failed on both accounts.

"We must immediately cut spending - for real, not the Obama way - and remove the barriers to growth. We must simplify the tax code, which my '9-9-9 Plan' does. According to former Reagan Treasury official Gary Robbins, of Fiscal Associates, the '9-9-9 Plan' will expand our GDP by $2 trillion, create 6 million new jobs, increases business investment by one-third, and increase wages by 10 percent," Cain said.

Herman Cain Leads Among Female Independent and Republican Voters in Iowa

In the most recent Iowa State University/Gazette/KCRG survey, Republican frontrunner Herman Cain leads the Republican field in Iowa with 24.5 percent of likely Republican caucus voters.

In the same poll, Mr. Cain is also in first place among female voters with 27.8 percent - a 9.1 percent advantage.

"Iowa is the first stop for the Cain Train this primary season.  I truly appreciate the support of Iowa caucus-goers and their vote of confidence as we build upon our growing momentum," said Herman Cain.

Indepdendent & Republican Caucus Voters

Source: Iowa State University/Gazette KCRG

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