Big RiverTheatre

Big River

Clinton Area Showboat Theatre

Thursday, July 29, through Sunday, August 8


Running from now through July 25 is the Clinton Area Showboat Theatre musical titled ... Show Boat. And after that production closes, the Iowa theatre that sits on a big river will present a musical titled ... Big River. I can hardly wait for the Showboat's next outing: Summer-Stock Venue Located Across the Street from a Baseball Park!

Fred Harris Jr. in FencesTheatre


Playcrafters Barn Theatre

Friday, July 9, through Sunday, July 18


So let's say you watched this year's Tony Awards ceremony, saw that the August Wilson drama Fences received awards for Best Revival of a Play, Best Actor in a Play (Denzel Washington), and Best Actress in a Play (Viola Davis), and said to yourselves, "Wow, I'd really like to catch that show someday."

You currently have two options: (1) Book a flight to New York, and cross your fingers that the Broadway production still has a few premium-seat tickets available for $376.50 a pop. Or (2) Drive a few miles and see Fences at the Playcrafters Barn Theatre, with tickets going for $10 each.

I'm presuming you'd like to hear more about the second option?

Roswell RuddMusic

Toyota-Scion of Iowa City Jazz Festival

Downtown Iowa City

Friday, July 2, through Sunday, July 4


This year's Fourth of July weekend brings with it the annual Toyota-Scion of Iowa City Jazz Festival, and among the scheduled performers is the gentleman in the accompanying photo, jazz trombonist par excellence Roswell Rudd.

Wow. Iowa City's lookin' a little arid this summer, huh?

DeRay DavisComedy

Laughter Relief

Adler Theatre

Friday, June 18, 8 p.m.


Feel like a laugh? Davenport's Adler Theatre knows you do, and the venue is planning to deliver wa-a-a-ay more than just one with its June 18 stand-up-comedy concert Laughter Relief - which, ironically enough, is exactly the phrase we Reader employees use to describe our weekly staff meetings.

Of course, in that situation, it's a relief from laughter.

Whodunit... the MusicalTheatre

Whodunit ... the Musical

Circa '21 Dinner Playhouse

Thursday, May 27, through Saturday, July 10


Making its regional debut at the Circa '21 Dinner Playhouse, the mystery farce Whodunit ... the Musical takes place in a Connecticut mansion in the summer of 1931, and finds a wealthy spinster, her young niece, her niece's secret beau, a Cockney maid, and an eccentric butler as the primary suspects in a murder investigation. Yet considering who's been cast in director Dennis Hitchcock's song-and-dance spoof, the bigger question than "Whodunit?" might very well be "Who's gonna steal it?" (The show, that is.)

Juli WoodMusic

Juli Wood

The Redstone Room

Sunday, May 16


Performing at Davenport's Redstone Room on May 16, saxophonist and jazz singer Juli Wood is the latest guest in Polyrhythms' Third Sunday Jazz Matinée & Workshop series, and her local appearance is bound to make jazz fans shout a vigorous "Hurray!" Or, if you'd prefer, "Hoora!", "¡Hurra!", or "????!"

Lojo RussoEvent

Venus Envy

Bucktown Center for the Arts

Saturday, May 1, 6-11 p.m.


Since this issue's What's Happenin' pages focus attention on three female country-music stars and a rock band fronted by a female vocalist, it only made sense to level the playing field with an event that appeals solely to the guys.

Then again, who am I to break up a theme?

Grant Wood's Fall PlowingExhibit

The John Deere Collection at the Figge

Figge Art Museum

Saturday, April 24, through Sunday, October 24


On April 24, the Figge Art Museum opens its newest gallery exhibit, The John Deere Collection at the Figge. And I think I can reasonably guess what you're thinking: Won't all that green make for a pretty monochromatic experience?

Images by photographer Chris Jones from Monday's WWE Raw event at the i wireless Center. Click on any photo for a larger version.

Jan Clough's KaleidoscopeExhibit

34th Annual Rock Island Fine Arts Exhibition

Augustana College Art Museum

Wednesday, April 7 through Sunday, May 2


If you visit the Augustana College Art Museum between April 7 and May 2, one of the exhibited pieces you'll see is a work by Macomb artist Jan Clough - created with pencils and the opaque-watercolor medium of gouache - titled "Kaleidoscope." Of course, with 70 art works by 66 artists on display, the whole darned exhibit could've been titled "Kaleidoscope."
