Juli WoodMusic

Juli Wood

The Redstone Room

Sunday, May 16


Performing at Davenport's Redstone Room on May 16, saxophonist and jazz singer Juli Wood is the latest guest in Polyrhythms' Third Sunday Jazz Matinée & Workshop series, and her local appearance is bound to make jazz fans shout a vigorous "Hurray!" Or, if you'd prefer, "Hoora!", "¡Hurra!", or "????!"

Based in Chicago, the sax player began her professional career with the rhythm-and-blues bands Paul Cebar & the Milwaukeeans and The R&B Cadets. She turned to jazz, however, in 1993, and the former genre's loss has clearly been the latter's gain, with Wood performing as singer and instrumentalist in the jazz bands Jeru and the Prohibition Orchestra, the all-female ensemble SHE, and her own Juli Wood Quartet. Beyond her regular sets in the Windy City, the artist enjoys frequent tours of the Midwest, and her considerable gifts led JazzTimes magazine's Bill Milkowski to describe her as "a gutsy tenor and baritone saxophonist who also sings with the earthy gusto of an R&B diva."

Yet Wood's fan base isn't restricted to American shores, as her talents have also brought her to jazz festivals in Athens and the Greek venue Bar Guru, the Spanish cities of Grenada and Fuengirola, Denmark's Bent J's Club, and the noted Skansen Jazz & Blues Fest in Stockholm. Jan-Erik Holmberg, of the Swedish newspaper Hufvudstadsbladet, even went so far as to call Wood "en suverän saxofonist med smak för lång blues dränkt solon och ett gediget känsla för tradition."* So you know she's good!

Juli Wood will lead a 3 p.m. jazz workshop and headline a 6 p.m. concert alongside pianist Kelly Brand, bassist Kelly Sill, and drummer Mike Schlick, and more information on the Third Sunday series is available by calling Polyrhythms at (309)373-0790 or visiting Polyrhythms.org or RedstoneRoom.com.


* Meaning "a superb saxophonist with a taste for blues-drenched solos and a sterling feel for tradition." With thanks to my Augustana education for the translation. That and, you know, an online translation dictionary.



The Mystery of Edwin DroodTheatre

The Mystery of Edwin Drood

New Era Community Building

Friday, May 14, through Sunday, May 23


Have you ever had the experience of sitting through a stage production and, after being disappointed by its resolution, saying to your theatre-going companion, "Hell, I could've written a better ending to that show!" Well, now you have your chance!

For its annual springtime production, Muscatine's New Era Comminty Theatre will present the Victorian-era The Mystery of Edwin Drood, a musical comedy inspired by a Charles Dickens novel. Or rather, inspired by most of a Charles Dickens novel, as the author's book was never completed. Consequently, the show itself - which concerns a hapless, somewhat crazy theatre troupe and its efforts to stage Dickens' literally endless work - doesn't reach a proper conclusion, either.

And that's where you come in! Before the production's final scenes, the audience is asked not only to vote on who (possibly) murdered the title character, but which of its characters become romantically linked. It's a conceit that led the New York Times' Frank Rich to state, "In a Broadway dominated by technologically oppressive spectacles, it is the display of human hands that lifts this musical to so happy an end," and certainly contributed to the musical's winning of five 1986 Tony Awards, including Best Musical.

So enjoy, all you backseat playwrights, and if you really want to have some fun, enjoy the show more than once - New Era's actors haven't learned all those alternative endings for nothin'!

The Mystery of Edwin Drood will be staged at the New Era Community Building (3455 New Era Road in Muscatine) at 7 p.m. on May 14, 15, 21, and 22, and at 6 p.m. on May 23. An optional dinner precedes all performances - with all of the show's proceeds benefiting Lutheran World Relief's Haitian Eearthquake Response, the Salvation Army, and the New Era Lutheran Church - and more information and tickets are available by calling Maxine Stark at (563)263-5255 or Nancy Henke at (563)263-0881.



Barenaked LadiesMusic

Barenaked Ladies

Adler Theatre

Sunday, May 16, 7:30 p.m.


I'll tell you what I'd do if I had a million dollars: I'd buy all of you tickets to the forthcoming Barenaked Ladies concert at Davenport's Adler Theatre.

Of course, I'm working on a journalist's salary, so the point is moot. But I hope you appreciate the sentiment.

Fresh from the band's headlining concert at a 2010 Winter Olympics Victory Ceremony, the multi-platinum-selling, Grammy-nominated alternative rockers take the Davenport stage on May 16, in a touring performance in conjunction with the group's recently released CD All in Good Time. Yet the gifted, refreshingly lighthearted rockers will no doubt also perform tunes from their extensive catalog - which features such hits as "One Week," "Brian Wilson," and the ridiculously catchy "If I Had $1000000" - in a performance sure to thrill both longtime fans and those new to the BNL fold.

Which category do you fall into? Try your hand at this Barenaked Ladies quiz, courtesy of the sharp minds at FunTrivia.com:


1) Complete the title of the album: Maybe You Should _____

A) Go

B) Drive

C) Sing


2) According to the lyrics on "Stephen Page Is Having a Baby," what is Stephen planning to name the child if it's a girl?

A) Enid

B) Yoko

C) Gordon


3) What's the name of the group's 2004 album of holiday songs?

A) Barenaked for the Holidays

B) A Barenaked Christmas

C) God Rest Ye Barenaked Gentlemen


4) What TV series did the Barenaked Ladies once appear on?

A) Ally McBeal

B) Friends

C) Two Guys & a Girl


5) "If I Had a Million Dollars," what wouldn't I buy you?

A) A Derringer

B) A Chesterfield

C) A Garfunkel


Barenaked Ladies perform the Adler with opening musician Serena Ryder, and tickets are available by calling (800)745-3000 or visiting AdlerTheatre.com.



Answers: 1 - B, 2 - C, 3 - A, 4 - C, 5 - A. Obviously, I wouldn't buy you a Derringer, 'cause then you'd just point it at me and demand the rest of my $1,000,000.



Disney's Beauty & the BeastTheatre

Disney's Beauty & the Beast

Adler Theatre

Wednesday, May 19, and Thursday, May 20


(To be sung to the Beauty & the Beast title song)


Tale as old as time,

True as it can be:

Want to see a show - kids refuse to go

If it's not Dis-ney.

Sitters all have plans;

Folks live in the east.

Then you get the news - the musical to choose -

Beauty & the Beast!


Major Broadway smash -

Such a sight to see!

The Na-tion-al Tour, fit for ages four

To well past ninety-three!


It's in Davenport,

The drive will be a breeze,

Tony-winning show - your kids will beg to go

On their hands and knees!

Colors, lights, and sounds -

A singing, dancing feast!

Make your children smile! Thrill the kids in style!

Beauty & the Beast!


Get your tickets now, 'fore they're sold - and how!

Beauty & the Beast!


The Adler Theatre will present Disney's Beauty & the Beast on May 19 and 20, and tickets can be reserved at (800)745-3000 or AdlerTheatre.com.



What Else Is Happenin'... ?



Thursday, May 13, and Friday, May 14 - Mark Wood. Demonstration and concert with composer, musician, and original member of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. Meet-and-greet and instrument demonstration - West Music Quad Cities (4305 44th Avenue, Moline). Thursday, 6:30 p.m. Free admission. Concert - Rock Island High School (2400 17th Street, Rock Island). Friday, 7 p.m. $10-$12. For information, call (309)764-9300 or e-mail matthew.manweiler@risd41.org.

Friday, May 14 - Karen Durrant's Dream Girls. Concert tribute to such performers as Tina Turner, Donna Summer, and Diana Ross & the Supremes. Quad-Cities Waterfront Convention Center (1777 Isle Parkway, Bettendorf). 7:30 p.m. $10-$15. For tickets and information, call (800)843-4753 or visit Bettendorf.IsleOfCapriCasinos.com.

Saturday, May 15 - Henry Rollins. Former front man for Black Flag on his spoken-word Frequent Flyer Tour. The Capitol Theatre (330 West Third Street, Davenport). 8 p.m. $25. For tickets and information, call (563)326-8820 or visit TheCapDavenport.com.

Saturday, May 15 - Local Natives. Indie rockers in an all-ages, outdoor concert sponsored by Daytrotter, featuring opening act Suckers. Rock Island Brewing Company (1815 Second Avenue, Rock Island). 6 p.m. $8-$10. For information, e-mail support@daytrotter.com or visit Daytrotter.com.

Friday, May 21 - The Duke Ellington Orchestra. Legendary big-band musicians in concert. Quad-Cities Waterfront Convention Center (1777 Isle Parkway, Bettendorf). 7:30 p.m. $35-$45. For tickets and information, call (800)843-4753 or visit Bettendorf.IsleOfCapriCasinos.com.

Saturday, May 22 - David Cassidy. Concert with pop icon and former star of "The Partridge Family." Quad-Cities Waterfront Convention Center (1777 Isle Parkway, Bettendorf). 7:30 p.m. $45-$55. For tickets and information, call (800)843-4753 or visit Bettendorf.IsleOfCapriCasinos.com.



Friday, May 14, through Sunday, May 23 - Cyrano de Bergerac. Edmond Rostand's stage classic, in a presentation by classical-theatre ensemble the Prenzie Players. 1616 Second Avenue, Rock Island. Fridays through Sundays and Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. doors, 8 p.m. performance. (1:30 p.m. doors, 2 p.m. performance on Sunday, May 16.) $8 at the door. For information, e-mail info@prenzieplayers.com or visit PrenziePlayers.com.

Saturday, May 15 - Be Your Own Bard: Quad City Playwrights Festival. Staged readings of works by area playwrights, performed and directed by students in the theatre department. Augustana College - Bergendoff Hall of Fine Arts, Black Box Theatre. (3701 Seventh Avenue, Rock Island). 7:30 p.m. Free admission. For information, call (309)794-7320.



Friday, May 14, and Saturday, May 15 - ComedySportz 20th-Anniversary Weekend. Celebratory shows featuring the Quad Cities' improvisational comedians, with CSZ alumni performing on Saturday. ComedySportz (1818 Third Avenue, Rock Island). 7 p.m. $10-$12. For tickets and information, call (309)786-7733, extension 2 or visit ComedySportzQC.com.



Saturday, May 22, through Sunday, September 5 - Prehistoric Playground. Hands-on exhibit in which visitors can create their own dinosaurs in the Design-a-Dino area, experience family development in Nest Side Story, control a life-sized baby T-Rex, and more. Family Museum (2900 Learning Campus Drive, Bettendorf). Free with museum admission. For information, call (563)344-4106 or visit FamilyMuseum.org.



Sunday, May 16 - Broadway District Tour of Homes. Featuring tours of five historic residences, and a walking tour of the 1000 block of old Adams Street. Broadway Historical District, Rock Island. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. $10 donation, free for ages 12 and under. For information, call (309)235-5496 or visit BroadwayDistrict.org.

Thursday, May 20 - Louis Bellson Memorial Reception. Celebration of the late, great drummer and composer, featuring presentations, testimonies, and musical performances by the North Scott Jazz Ensemble and other guest musicians. Mojo's Coffee House - River Music Experience (130 West Second Street, Davenport). 6 p.m. Donations accepted. For information, call (563)326-1333 or visit RiverMusicExperience.org.

Thursday, May 20 - "A Wino's Journey" Wine-Tasting Benefit. Fundraiser for the Quad Cities Advertising Federation's Creative Minds Scholarship Fund, with a presentation by sommelier Brian Burke. Biaggi's Ristorante Italiano (5195 Utica Ridge Road, Davenport). 5:30 p.m. $30. For information, e-mail Michele Stoos at mstoosinc@aol.com.

Saturday, May 22 - Family Museum Market Music Fest. Family event featuring the Young Entrepreneurs Market, refreshments, and music by Justin Roberts, Trout Fishing in America, and the Boogers. Family Museum (2900 Learning Campus Drive, Bettendorf). 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Free with museum admission ($4-$6); $20 VIP ticket includes a meet-and-greet with the bands and a complimentary Justin Roberts CD. For information, call (563)344-4106 or visit FamilyMuseum.org.

Saturday, May 22 - St. Ambrose University Wine Festival. Annual fundraiser benefiting student scholarships, with gourmet appetizers and samplings of more than 140 wines. St. Ambrose University lawn (518 West Locust Street, Davenport). 3 p.m. $45. For information, call (563)333-6290 or visit http://Web.SAU.edu/WineFest.

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