ALBIA, IOWA (February 12, 2020) — Today, Focus on Rural America Co-Founders Lieutenant Governor Patty Judge and Jeff Link commented on the Iowa Caucuses and need for the grassroots process to remain first-in-the-nation:
DES MOINES, IOWA (January 21, 2020) — Today and over the weekend climate advocates in Des Moines, Iowa, participated in the Brown and Black Forum, the nation’s oldest minority-focused presidential forum.
ALBIA, IOWA (January 20, 2020) — Focus on Rural America Co-Founders former Lieutenant Governor Patty Judge and Jeff Link released the results of their latest poll on a conference call with reporters Monday morning.
DES MOINES, IOWA (December 18, 2019) — On Thursday, December 19, local Iowa leaders will speak at a reception & press conference to discuss the impact climate change is having on Iowans and will ask Senator Ernst to heed the call of her voters, local leaders and scientists and act on climate change.
DES MOINES, IOWA (November 5, 2019) — On Thursday, November 7, 11:30AM CST, the National Wildlife Federation will host US Armed Services veterans State Representative Brian Meyer and nonprofit leader Jim Mower for a veteran roundtable discussion on how climate change is impacting America’s national security.
ALBIA, IOWA (October 16, 2019) — Today the Environmental Protection Agency proposed the "fix" promised to biofuel and agriculture producers by President Trump to make up for the 1.3 billion gallons lost thanks to
ALBIA, IOWA (September 18, 2019) — In the post-debate poll in Iowa, Focus on Rural America found some shakeups among the Democratic presidential contenders and some key takeaways for the field. Iowa Democrats are focused on electability and they see rural issues and a rural strategy as key to that end.
DES MOINES, IOWA (August 24, 2019) — The National Wildlife Federation and Iowa affiliate hosted a forum to discuss climate-change and immigration and the need to address these topics together. Speakers included Karin Stein of Ecomadres and Moms Clean Air Force, Michelle Bruggenthies of the Boundary Waters Action Fund, Somali refugee and Sanders Campaign staffer Abshir Omar, and State Senator Claire Celsi.
DES MOINES, IOWA (August 11, 2019)— The League of Conservation Voters (LCV) went to great heights at the Iowa State Fair to call on Senator Joni Ernst to acknowledge that climate change is real and take legislative action to address the crisis contributing to record flooding across the state.
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