If there's a show that will make people question their thoughts and ideas about racism, it's Spinning Into Butter, continuing this weekend at Augustana College in a production by New Ground Theatre.
Set on the campus of a private college, the play explores the spiraling thought process of a staff member when she is accused of having racist opinions. But she doesn't emerge triumphant; no one does, and that's what makes the play so unique and challenging. Both sides of the issue of racism are aired: A minority student defends his right to specify, not categorize, his racial background, and the staff member also defends herself by saying she shouldn't have to feel guilty or racist just because she's white.
It's wonderful to see challenged and questioned elements of racism that have been present in America for so long. But people expecting the show to give a simple solution to the problem will be disheartened, because the play suggests no single action or resolution will rid the world of racism.
In addition to the story, the acting is nothing less than phenomenal. Actors balance each other emotionally, and they also step back and let the story unfold as the most prominent element in this theatre experience. This makes it easier for the audience to deal with the touchy subject matter at hand.
This much talent combined with an incredible script makes Spinning Into Butter an experience that should not be missed. It will leave audiences questioning themselves and those around them for days.
Spinning Into Butter will be presented on September 13 and 14 at 8 p.m. and September 15 at 2 p.m. in Potter Hall at Augustana College. For reservations, call 326-7529.