Brown Mackie College - Quad Cities Gives Back to Community During
National Week of Service - April 18 - 24, 2010

(Moline, IL - April 19, 2010)  Students, faculty, and staff at Brown Mackie College - Quad Cities are teaming up this week and participating in a coordinated, nationwide community service effort as part of a National Week of Service, April 18-24, 2010.

For years, Brown Mackie College - Quad Cities' students, faculty, and staff have given back to their community through charitable endeavors. The goal of the National Week of Service is to further highlight Brown Mackie College - Quad Cities' ongoing spirit of service during an entire week dedicated to impacting and improving the Quad Cities area.

During the 2010 National Week of Service, Brown Mackie College - Quad Cities' students, faculty, and staff will partner from April 19 - 23, with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Mississippi located at 406 7th Street in Moline, IL and 220 Minnie Avenue in Davenport, IA; and will provide assistance during their after-school programs.

"At Brown Mackie College - Quad Cities, we value giving back to the communities in which we live, learn, and work," said Brown Mackie College - Quad Cities President Kao Odukale.  "Partnering with the Boys & Girls Club provides our students, faculty, and staff a tremendous opportunity to foster a more cohesive school community while making a lasting impact in the Quad Cities area."

To learn more about Brown Mackie College community service initiatives, visit For additional information about Brown Mackie College - Quad Cities, call (309) 762-2100 or visit

Did you know that most of our programs are FREE with museum admission or free for members? Check out our May programs below:

German Athletics: World Cup, Olympics & Fitness
Cost: Free with museum admission; Free for members
Saturday, April 24 at 2:00 p.m.
Presented by Byran Schmid
The athletics movement that swept through Germany in the 19th century, called the Turnerbewegung, began the fixation for health and fitness that continues to the present day. Beginning with Turnvater Jahn and continuing through the 1936 Berlin Olympics and the World Cup in 2006, German sports, health and fitness have been an important part of life for generations. This presentation will discuss the important moments in German athletic history, as well as a look forward to Germany's highly anticipated 2010 World Cup run.
Film: Among Farmers-Saviors in the Night
Sunday, May 2 at 2:00 p.m. at GAHC
Cost: Free for museum members free and free for students or $5 for general public
In partnership with the Jewish Federation of the Quad Cities, we invite you to enjoy this film and refreshments. Ludi Boeken's "Under Bauern" (Saviors in the Night) tells of farmers - unter bauern - in Westphalia who sheltered Jewish friends from the Nazis. The movie is based on Marga Speigel's memoir "Saviour in the Night" who tells the story of how a Jewish family survived in their hiding place because of the help of farmer families Aschoff, Pentrop, Sickmann and Silkenbömer from the Münsterland. (Includes admission to the museum. For those who would like to explore the museum, please arrive early before the movie as the exhibits close at 4 p.m.)

Amana Exhibit Talk
Sunday, May 9 at 2:00 p.m.
Cost: Free with museum admission; Free for me
Where: German American Heritage Center Museum is located at 712 West Second Street in Davenport, Iowa.
The presentation is given in conjunction the current special rotating exhibit Amana: Moving to the City. The program will be presented by Carol Schaefer whose parents lived in the Amana Colonies and moved to Davenport in the 1930s.

Happy Mother's Day Special
Sunday, May 9
Free admission for Moms

Engineering Marvels: Explore the Hennepin & Other Canals
Sunday, May 16 at 2:00 p.m.
Cost: Free with museum admission; Free for members.
Where: German American Heritage Center Museum is located at 712 West Second Street in Davenport, Iowa.
Presented by Dan Reid
The Hennepin Canal, built in 1892 and listed on the National Register of Historic Places, was the first American canal built of concrete without stone cut facings. Some of the innovations pioneered on the Hennepin Canal were probably used on the Panama Canal. Both used concrete lock chambers and both used a Feeder canal from a man made lake to water the canals because both needed water to flow 'uphill.'

German Cooking with Herbs
Sunday, May 23 at 2:00 p.m.
Cost: Free with museum admission; Free for members.
Where: German American Heritage Center Museum is located at 712 West Second Street in Davenport, Iowa.
Presented by Gisela McDonald
Gisela will talk about herbs that are used more frequently in German cooking than in cooking in the United States. She will bring samples of a sorrel soup to taste and the recipe. Gisela has been growing herbs for more than 15 years and is a member of the QC Herbs group.

DAVENPORT, IOWA (April 12, 2010)  In partnership with the Jewish Federation of the Quad Cities, the German American Heritage Center will be showing the film "Saviors in the Night" at the German American Heritage Center at 712 West Second Street in Davenport, Iowa on Sunday, May 2, 2010 at 2 p.m. The film will be shown on the 4th floor program space and refreshments will be served. Cost is $5 per adult, free for museum members and free for students. For those who would like to explore the museum prior to the movie, please arrive early before the movie as the exhibits close at 4 p.m.

Ludi Boeken's "Under Bauern" (Saviors in the Night) tells of farmers ? unter bauern ? in Westphalia who sheltered Jewish friends from the Nazis. The movie is based on Marga Speigel's memoir "Saviour in the Night" who tells the story of how a little family survived in their hiding place because of the help of farmer families Aschoff, Pentrop, Sickmann and Silkenbömer from the Münsterland. The film will be subtitled. You can watch the movie trailer here:


Quad City students are gearing up to flex their mental muscle!  Rivermont Collegiate will host the 3rd annual RAI (Rivermont Academic Invitational) next Wednesday and Thursday, April 14th and 15th, on the Rivermont campus in Bettendorf.  Students in grades 5-8 from throughout the Quad Cities participate in this academic competition.  The event continues to grow in popularity, with RAI 2010 being the largest yet - Rivermont is ecstatic to host 300 students from 20 local schools!

At the RAI competition, students spend the day competing in "out of the box" activities that take core curriculum ideas and expand them to hands-on learning and real life situations.  Participants work in teams to apply multiple skill sets in math, engineering, geography, global awareness, current events, and literature.  Trophies are awarded to top teams, with individual honors also awarded.  This year's RAI was made possible in part by a grant from the Community Foundation of the Great River Bend.

RAI 2010 will take place from 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. both Wednesday and Thursday; 5th and 6th grades will compete on Wednesday, 7th and 8th grades on Thursday.  Rivermont Collegiate is located directly off 18th Street, behind K&K Hardware in Bettendorf.  Members of the community are welcome to join us and observe our local students in action!

For additional information on the Rivermont Academic Invitational contact Leigh Ann Schroeder at or 563.359.1366 ext. 343

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    • 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

    • LUNCHEON SERVED 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.




The Lutheran Women's Missionary League of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Davenport is sponsoring their Annual Spring Rummage & Bake Sale on Saturday, April 17, 2010 Time is from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. for the Rummage & Bake Sale. A luncheon will be served from 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Fill a paper bag for $3.00 Rummage items include : men, women's & children clothing, shoes, coats, household items, knick knacks, toys, books, and large donation of various craft items. There will also be baked goods, popcorn and homemade soups, sandwiches, and desserts for lunch. If you would like more information contact the church office at 563-324-6431

Proceeds will go to support various mission projects.

Handwriting analysis will show what handwriting reveals about the writer and German script at the German American Heritage Center Museum in Davenport on Sunday, April 11 at 2 p.m.

DAVENPORT, IOWA (April 6, 2010) What does your handwriting say about you? Join handwriting analysis Giles Weigandt as he explores how a sample of handwriting reveals more about the writer than just the level of haste in which the writing was done. In addition, German Gothic script will be discussed. This presentation, "What Your Handwriting Reveals About You & A Look at Gothic Script" will be held Sunday, April 11 at 2:00 p.m. The program is free for members and free with museum admission for nonmembers.

In addition to the presentation visitors can explore the museum's 4,000 square feet of permanent and special exhibits. Visitors will enjoy an interactive experience as they learn about immigrants' journey by sea, train and foot, to their final destination at the German American Heritage Center building, which was originally a very busy hotel for thousands of immigrants in the 1860s.

The museum is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and on Sundays from noon - 4 p.m. Admission is as follows: Adults: $5; Seniors: $4; Children: $3 (5 - 17 years old); Family: $12; Free for children under 5; and free for museum members.

Visit the museum's website at and find them on facebook. The German American Heritage Center is located at the foot of Centennial Bridge at 712 West Second Street, Davenport, Iowa. For more information call 563-322-8844.


    Davenport Parks and Recreation Presents:

    Roosevelt Community Center - Senior Club Membership Drive

    Friday, April 9th, 2010

    Davenport, IA, April 6th, 2010: Davenport Parks and Recreation's Roosevelt Community Center- Senior Club would like to invite all seniors and their families to the Roosevelt Center on Friday, April 9th from 5-7 PM for a sloppy joe supper and membership drive.  This event will offer a "taste" of what the center has to offer.  Event includes free tours of the new weight room, programmers that work in the center will be present to talk about their classes, Davenport Parks and Recreation's Mobile Playground will be onsite with activities for all to enjoy, and don't forget to stop by the senior room to participate in a cake walk for $.50.

    The Senior Club meets at Davenport Parks and Recreation's Roosevelt Community Center:

    The cost for the supper is $3 and will include a sloppy joe or hot dog, chips, veggie and dip and a drink. All additional activities are FREE!

    Mondays and Fridays from 9-10am

    Tuesdays/ Wednesdays/ Thursdays from 9am - Noon.

    The seniors enjoy daily exercise activities, guest speakers, games, environmental programming, tours and social time.  Join us Friday to learn more!!!

In 1979, the game Trivial Pursuit was created by Canadian Scott Abbott, a sports editor for The Canadian Press, and Chris Haney, a photo editor for Montreal's The Gazette. They created the game when they could not find all the pieces to their Scrabble game. Trivial Pursuit was released in 1982 and has been popular ever since.

This is a good example of trivia. Trivia can be defined as information of little importance. However, to those who enjoy trivia, it can be an exciting, fun, and competitive cranial exercise.

On Saturday, April 17th beginning at 7pm, Camp Courageous will host its 3rd Annual Trivia Night. The event will be held at the comfortable and atmospheric top floor of the Sill Barn at the camp located at 12007 190th St., Monticello, IA 52310. Participants can come as a group of 5-8 participants or come solo and join a group when you arrive. The cost of $10 per person is a donation to the non-profit, year round camp for people of all ages with disabilities.

Prizes will be given for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams. Door prizes and other games will also be played. Snacks will be available or you can bring  your own.

To reserve a table for a team or find out more contact Amatullah Richard, 319-465-5916 or There is a limited amount of space so please RSVP.

Camp Courageous is an alcohol and tobacco-fee environment.

Ronald Wilson of Bettendorf has been selected as a winner in Monsanto's America's Farmers Grow CommunitiesSM Project, which gives farmers the opportunity to win $2,500 for their favorite non-profit organizations in each of Iowa's 99 counties. Wilson has designated the North Scott FFA, located in Eldridge to receive the award in Scott County. A special check ceremony will take place during the North Scott FFA Banquet and Awards Ceremony. Media are invited to attend.  Interview and photo opportunities available.

WHEN:             Thursday, April 8

6 p.m. - Banquet

7 p.m. - Awards Ceremony

WHERE:           North Scott High School

200 S. 1st Street

Eldridge, IA 52748

Overview:  The America's Farmers Grow Communities Project was offered throughout Iowa and in parts of Missouri and Arkansas. It is part of a broad commitment by Monsanto Company to highlight the important contributions farmers make every day to our society by helping them grow their local communities. More than 7,500 farmers participated in the program, which is designed to benefit non-profit groups such as ag youth, schools and other civic organizations. For more information, visit

The Bettendorf Discovery Shop invites you to join them Friday, April 9th and Saturday, April 10th for their 18th annual cookbook and kitchenware event.

The store is already packed with great items for you to enjoy, and on Friday morning we will have hundreds and hundreds new and old cookbooks, china, dishes, linens, and many other kitchen items. If you love to cook, or know someone that does, this will be then perfect day for you to shop at the Discovery Shop. If you have cookbooks that you would like to donate for this event we would be happy to have them.

The Discovery Shop is an upscale resale shop selling gently used items donated by the community and staffed by over 100 volunteers. Proceeds go to the American Cancer Society for cancer research, education, patient services and advocacy.

Donations are accepted anytime the shop is open and a tax receipt is always available. Hours are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 am to 5 pm., Thursday from 10 am to 7 pm. and Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm.

We are thankful for all the wonderful donations and excited to have this fun event for our customers.
