Remember this date on your calendar: 10-10-10.

Take that day to help us in the fight against diabetes. The annual "Step Out to Fight Diabetes" event in the Quad-Cities will be Oct. 10 at LeClaire Park, Davenport. Registration is at 1 p.m., with a 2 p.m. start time.

Routes include a 3.2- mile walk and 5K run, and are accessible to people of all ages and levels of mobility.

Along the walk, participants are supported by volunteers offering water, snacks, entertainment and encouragement.

For more information on how to participate, visit the Web site at or call 888-DIABETES

Beginning on Thursday August 19th, the City of Davenport will begin charging the rate of $5 dollars for all downtown event parking. This will replace the old rate of $2 dollars. After studying downtown parking trends and surveying several cities, we feel like this new rate will bring us current with surrounding communities pricing for event parking.

For more information, contact Eric West, Parking System Supervisor at (563) 888-3030.

On Tues Sept 7th from 3-6pm the Modern Language Department at St. Ambrose University is holding an Open House to share opportunities to study and use
foreign languages.

Interested students, their families, and individuals who use a foreign language in their professions are invited to attend this informal event and enjoy free pizza and refreshments. It will be held in 120 McMullen Hall on the St. Ambrose campus (the corner of Gaines and Locust Streets).

For more information contact Sharon Meilahn Bartlett at

Through this annual award, the Quad City Heritage League recognizes an individual who has made contributions of lasting significance toward the promotion and preservation of the Quad Cities' rich heritage.

Through his/her activities, the nominee shall have contributed one or all of the following:
• Increased awareness and appreciation for local or community history
• Promoted interest in the history of the community and continues to generate enthusiasm
• Provided long-term preservation of the community's history
• Encouraged collaboration and support from a cross-section of individuals and groups in the community


The award recipient will be recognized at the QCHL's annual meeting which is held in November or December.

Selection Process

A committee of the Quad City Heritage League Board of Directors will review the submissions. The committee selects the finalists, and the Board of Directors will name the winner.

Members of the Board of Directors are not eligible for nomination during their terms on the board.

The deadline for nominations is September 1, 2010. Nominations must be submitted on the attached form and mailed to: Quad City Heritage League
PO Box 414, Davenport, IA 52805-0414

For more information, contact Eunice Schlichting, Award Committee Chair at 324-1043 ext. 223 or

DAVENPORT, IA- (August 9, 2010)- The German American Heritage Center will be hosting a German-Wends Cultural Festival where visitors can enjoy a full day of Wendish cultural demonstrations, music, dancing and more. The festival will be held on Saturday, August 21st at the German American Heritage Center located at the bottom of Centennial Bridge on 2nd St. in Davenport, IA.  Admittance into the festival is free with museum admission and free for members.

In addition to the festival, visitors can explore the museum's 4,000 square feet of exhibits. Here they will enjoy an interactive experience as they learn about immigrants' journey by sea, train and foot, to their final destination at the German American Heritage Center building which was originally a very busy hotel for thousands of immigrants in the 1860s.

For more information on the museum's exhibits, programs, events, classes, and workshops, visit or call 563-322-8844.  General Admissions is: Adults: $5; Seniors: $4; Children (5-17 years old): $3; Free for children under 5.  Museums members are free.  Hours are Tuesdays through Saturday open 10 am- 4 pm; Sunday open 12 pm- 4 pm.


The Lottery
3:00 p.m.
81 min | USA| English | 2010  Documentary
Madeleine Sackler
Cory Booker, Geoffrey Canada, Joel Klein

Shot by award-winning cinematographer Wolfgang Held, The Lottery uncovers a ferocious debate surrounding the education reform movement. Interviews with politicians and educators explain not only the crisis in public education, but also why it is fixable. A call to action to avert a catastrophe in the education of American children, The Lottery makes the case that any child can succeed.  In a country where 58% of African American 4th graders are functionally illiterate, The Lottery uncovers the failures of the traditional public school system and reveals that hundreds of thousands of parents attempt to flee the system every year. The Lottery follows four of these families from Harlem and the Bronx who have entered their children in a charter school lottery. Out of thousands of hopefuls, only a small minority will win the chance of a better future.

Tickets at the door.

General Admission

$10 for 1 movie ticket
$18 for 2 movie tickets (1 person watches both movies back to back)

Please join us for a social time from

4:30 p.m to 5 p.m.
(snacks provided and included in the cost of 1 movie ticket)
Drinks sold separately.

Davenport Parks and Recreation Presents:

5th Annual Doggie Dip

Sponsored by Unified Financial Strategies, LLC

Benefiting the Humane Society of Scott County

During these DOG days of summer, what better way to show your

best friends you care than a little dip in the pool!

Admission $3 per pup!

Friday, August 13th


Fejervary Family Aquatic Center

1800 W. 12th St (Near the IMAX Theater in Davenport)

Purchase raffle tickets at the event - GREAT prizes will be given out.

Purchase your raffle tickets in advance and we will send you a complimentary VIP

admission ticket. Call us at 563-359-3475.

Other vendors on site promoting Happy Healthy pets!

*Current vaccination records will be required at the event.*

Help the Humane Society!

UFS will match a portion of the cash donations.

Trey Research Games Enhanced With Two New Additions

We will also be accepting non-cash donations at the event, desired

items include : Toys, laundry detergent, dryer sheets, blankets, etc.

For questions regarding event, please contact 563-326-7812 or

Professor and historian Dr. Art Pitz will discuss the tumultuous history of the Middle East in his presentation, The Arab-Israeli Conflict: A History in Four Parts.

****DR. Pitz just returned from a month in Israel where he was briefed by the Foreign Ministry, visited Sha'ar Hanegev and Sapir College, and traveled to the West Bank and to a Palestinian refugee camp.

The series will be held at the Rock Island Main Library,  401 19th Street, on Mondays, August 2nd and 9th, and at the Moline Public Library, 3130 41st Street, on Mondays, August 16th and 23rd.

Each session will begin at 6:00 p.m.

Dr. Pitz will provide a balanced, in-depth portrayal of the tumultuous history of this region.  The series of presentations is free and does not require registration.

The schedule is as follows:

Part 1: Late 19th Century to WWI

Monday, August 2nd at Rock Island Main Library,6:00 p.m.


Part 2: WWI to the U.N. Partition Resolution of 1947

Monday, August 9th at Rock Island Main Library, 6:00 p.m.


Part 3: 1948 Israeli War for Independence/Naqba (Catastrophe) for Palestinians to the Six Day War of 1967

Monday, August 16th at Moline Public Library, 6:00 p.m.


Part 4: 1967 to Present

Monday, August 23rd at Moline Public Library, 6:00 p.m.


****These presentations are sponsored by the Jewish Federation of the Quad Cities, the Rock Island Main Library, and Friends of the Moline Public Library.

For more information call Jennifer at (309) 524-2475, Kris at (309) 732-7341, or the Jewish Federation at (309) 793-1300.

Davenport, IA - Friday, July 23, 2010 - On Friday, August 20th, the "Pinta" and the "Nina" replicas of Columbus' ships, will open in Davenport.  The ships will be docked at the Oneida Street Landing, at the foot of Bridge Street, until their departure early Monday morning, August 30th.

The "Nina" was built completely by hand and without the use of power tools and was called by Archaeology magazine "the most historically Columbus replica ever built."  The craftsmanship of construction and the details in the rigging make it a truly fascinating visit back to the Age of Discover.  The "Nina" was used in the production of the film "1492" staring GerardDepardieu and directed by Ridley Scott.

The "Pinta" was built in Brazil to accompany the "Nina" on all her travels.  She is a larger version of the archetypal caravel and offers larger deck space for walk-around tours and has a 900 sq. ft. salon down below to view slide shows of the ship's construction.  The "Pinta" is available for private parties while in dock.

Both ships will be touring together as a new and enhanced "sailing museum" for the purpose of educating the public and school children on the "Caravel," a Portuguese ship used by Columbus and many early explorers to discover the world.

While in port, the general public is invited to visit the ships for walk-aboard self-guided tours.  The prices are $7.00 for adults, $6.00 for seniors and $5.00 for children.  Children 4 and under are free.  The ship is open every day from 9:00 am until 6:00pm.  No reservations necessary.  Teachers or groups wishing to schedule a 30 minute guided tour with a crew member should call the ship directly at 787-672-2152.  Minimum of 15 per tour, $4.00 per person.  Visit our website at for additional information.  The ships arrive Thursday, August 19th and there will be a private viewing for the media after docking.


Proceeds will go to three local non-profit organizations

For the 2nd year, the River Roots Live music festival will feature a Mississippi River Ride fundraiser to help local non-profits: Living Lands & Waters, the River Music Experience, and the Downtown Partnership. The "Ride" will take participants down 60 miles of the areas' most scenic river roads, ending at the FREE River Roots Live Music Festival at LeClaire Park, Davenport. The route is as follows:

Registration: 10 am - Noon

Where: Wiebler's Harley Davidson

Cost: $15 per hand + $5 for a passenger

River Ride Stops:

Begins: Wiebler's Harley Davidson Davenport, IA

Stop 2: Blueport Junction, Davenport, IA

Stop 3: Biscuit's Bar & Grill, Buffalo, IA

Stop 4: The Button Factory, Muscatine, IA

Stop 5: Ducky's Lagoon, Andalusia, IL

Stop 6: River Roots Live! - LAST BIKE MUST BE IN BY 5PM!



All proceeds from the Mississippi River Ride will benefit Living Lands & Waters, the River Music Experience, and the Downtown Partnership. With your help these not-for-profit organizations will be able to:

  • Create more opportunity for Living Lands & Waters to continue keeping the Mississippi and all of America's rivers clean

  • Help deliver top-notch music education programming for thousands of children at the River Music Experience, while also funding future Redstone Room concerts and the overall growth of the QC music scene.

  • Build on Davenport's momentum to create a revitalized and thriving downtown for everyone to enjoy!

For more information contact:

Tammy Becker 309.236.0725

Nora Coyne-Logan 309.236.0728
