A community comes together to support Family Literacy Program

(Rock Island, IL)  With the recent influx of immigrants, many children and families are struggling to understand the new culture and language.  But thanks to many community partners coming together sharing resources, families from nine different countries speaking six different languages are learning English and nineteen community partners supporting them.

A news event highlighting the first year's success of the Lights ON for Learning Family Literacy Program is being held Thursday, May 20th at 11:00 am at the Church of Peace (1114 12th Street in Rock Island) in the Fellowship Hall.   The program began with three families in the fall and at year's end there are now over forty adult students and 25 pre-school children participating.

Attending the news conference will be Rock Island Mayor, Dennis Pauley, Rock Island Schools Superintendent, Mike Oberhaus, the former Superintendent of the Regional Office of Education, Joe Vermeire, as well as representatives from the various community partners who are the backbone of this program.  The teachers and the families involved in the program will also be available for interviews.

The program is from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays at the Church of Peace.  A typical day at the Lights ON for Learning Family Literacy program consists of English as a Second Language tutoring, lunch and activities with their children, parenting and life skills, and computer and library skills training.


Blood Drive

The 12th Northern district of Ancient Free And Accepted Masons is hosting their annual blood drive.

Date:    05/26/2010 Time:    3:00 to 6:00 PM

Place:   Methodist Church Orion IL. (Turn left off US 150 east of Casey's Store continue to City Park on right, Methodist Church on Left)

Contact: Marvin Whittaker 309-737-9231 / MarvinWhittaker@hotmail.com

WHEN: 5-15-10

TIME: 1-4 p.m.

WHERE: Barnes & Noble at North Park Mall, 320 W. Kimberly Rd., Davenport, IA 52806

WHAT: Louise will be available to sign copies of her Christian Living book, Longing for Wholeness.

When you look in the mirror, who do you see–what do you see? Are you living the desires of your heart? Do you long to awaken with a joy and feel so alive? Longing For Wholeness is a compassionate and conclusive work written in a fresh style. You will stay engaged as Linda Louise fits the bits and pieces of her life together to fill the emptiness that yearns for worth and loving acceptance. In her compelling story, she reveals the dynamics of a life riddled with shame and contempt. Inside this book, Linda shares her experiences to inspire hope and how she found the freedom to express who she believes she was born to be. You will never question the hope that fills the words written here.

For more information, contact Terry Cordingley at 888-361-9473 or terry@tatepublishing.com


You are invited to: "Put a Smile on a Child"

Tuesday, May 25, 2010, 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Augustana College PepsiCo Center
1025 30th Street, Rock Island

Fun children's activities and • Free dinner!

Community agencies with useful information!

Bring your youth group, school group, neighborhood, friends and family.
All activities and food are free!

For more information call:
Churches United, 309/786-6494

Asian Carp are a critical issue to the ecology of native species.  They have migrated from the Mississippi River to the Illinois River and now threaten Lake Michigan.  In the news on Mon, April 26, the state of Michigan's request to shut down major shipping locks in the Chicago area that may allow the fish to migrate into Lake Michigan was denied by the U.S. Supreme Court. Asian carp can grow as large as 4 feet long and weigh 100 pounds.   Kelly Baerwaldt of the Army Corps of Engineers will lead a Channel Cat Talk to teach people how to identify the species, explain why they are dangerous to native organisms, and discuss what is being done to prevent their spread.  Register for this June 1 & 3 talk [9-10:45 a.m.] at www.riveraction.org.

Registration for the Explore the River summer education series is online as of today.  Explore the River consists of Channel Cat Talks and Riverine
Walks that are fun and educational for all ages.  Sessions are held from Jun 1 - Aug 28.

Many other new, fun, and informative classes that are taught by professionals and historians will be held rain or shine and require preregistration. 

* Channel Cat Talks aboard the water taxi are from 9-10:45 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays; departing from Moline landing [2501 East River Drive] next to the Celebration Belle. Seating is limited and tours cost $12.

* Riverine Walks meet at various locations from 6:30-8 p.m. Wednesday evenings or 9-10:30 a.m. Saturday mornings and cost $5.  They are free for RA members - registration required.

To register or for more information, call (563) 322-2969; or visit
www.riveraction.org. River Action Inc., the non-profit group dedicated to fostering the
environmental, economic and cultural vitality of the Mississippi and its riverfront in the Quad Cities

# # #

The Thurgood Marshall Learning Center Green Team and the Rock Island High School Studen Council are partnering in a project to bring clean water and toilets to Goitab Kalyet Primary School int he Great Rift Valley of Kenya.  The partnership is sponsored by Water for Live Foundation to make an impact on the 1.1 billion people that lack access to safe drinking water around the globe.

The two groups of students will be holding a joint Walk for Water on Saturday, May 1 at the Rock Island High School stadium from 11am until Noon. Students with sponsors will be walking three miles to represent the average walk that young girls and women make each day in the developing world to carry water to their families.  The students are hoping to reduce the 1.4 million deaths that occur yearly due to diarrhea.

Anyone withing to participate or sponsor a walker can contact Linda Golden at 309-793-5924 or Sheila Guse at 309-793-5950.

120 volunteers will join hands to assemble 300 "America Cares" bags will be donated to veterans on Saturday.


At least 120 volunteers from area organizations and businesses are collaborating to assemble 300 gift bags to distribute to veterans and their children at the Iowa City VA Hospital. The project will take place on Join Hands Day, a national day of service scheduled for Saturday, May 1.
The bags for veterans will include phone cards, snacks and personal care items. Children's bags will include stuffed animals, games, book and snacks to provide a diversion for children and grandchildren of veterans at the hospital.
Your coverage of the local impact of Join Hands Day is invited and appreciated. This project will offer visual and interview opportunities.
What: At least 120 volunteers will assemble 300 "America Cares" bags to be delivered to veterans and their children at the VA Hospital in Iowa City.
Modern Woodmen of America employees, Modern Woodmen camp (local chapter) and youth service club members, AmeriCorps volunteers, Quad Cities River Bandits staff, Disabled Veterans of America and Auxiliary members
When: 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Where: Modern Woodmen Park, Davenport
Modern Woodmen of America sponsors Join Hands Day, along with other fraternal benefit societies. Join Hands Day is the only national day of service designed to bring youths and adults together to plan and implement service projects in their communities. As the generations work side by side, they learn more about each other, sparking a new level of understanding and respect.
Throughout the Quad Cities, more than 2,000 area youths and adults are teaming up to complete 50 volunteer projects. Locally, Modern Woodmen sponsors these local initiatives and gives each project a $50 grant to offset project expenses.
Founded in 1883, Modern Woodmen of America touches lives and secures futures. The fraternal benefit society offers financial services and fraternal member benefits to individuals and families throughout the United States.
For more information about local Join Hands Day projects, contact Kim Woodward at 309-793-5660, or visit modern-woodmen.org.

Modern day treasure hunters are coming to Davenport, IA!

What treasures are stashed around Davenport? We are about to find out.  The Treasure Hunters Roadshow is on a world-wide treasure hunt and will be digging in town for five days.  During this free event, the Treasure Hunters are expecting to see over 1,200 residents bringing in their rare and unusual collectibles! Locals will have a chance to talk to world-renowned antique and collectible experts, and it's all free!

Recent finds include a 1960's vintage guitar purchased for $100,000! Four gold coins were purchased from a local resident for over $72,000, Confederate money hidden in the walls of a residence that was uncovered during a remodel, Abraham Lincoln hand-written thank you letter, expressing gratitude for a night's stay while traveling to Chicago, and much more.

What kind of treasures will be revealed during our trip?  Let's find out together.  You or your next door neighbor just might be the next to find a jackpot in the attic.  Start digging now and be ready to have some fun and make some money.

Davenport is the next stop on the Treasure Hunters Roadshow world-wide tour.  During this event at the Best Western, our treasure hunters are hoping to see items such as coins and paper currency issued prior to 1965, toys, dolls, trains, vintage jewelry, old and modern musical instruments, war memorabilia, gold and silver jewelry, costume jewelry, advertising memorabilia, swords, knives, daggers, and the unusual!

Collectors are very serious about their hobby; so serious that they will pay a lot of money for the items they are looking for.  Nearly all coins, vintage jewelry, musical instruments and toys made prior to 1965 are highly sought after by collectors.  The Treasure Hunters Roadshow is a place where anyone in your community can connect with collectors from around the globe.  Our treasure hunters make offers based on what our collectors are willing to pay.  Then when someone decides to sell, they get paid on the spot and our treasure hunters send the item to the collector at their expense.

Have fun with your search.  Empty your jewelry box of broken jewelry, dig out your old teeth containing dental gold, find your gold coins, gold bars, etc.  Gold is traded on the stock market and prices fluctuate daily.  We will buy gold based on the day's current gold value.  Don't miss out.  Make plans now to attend the Treasure Hunters Roadshow.

May 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Best Western

100 W 76th St.

Davenport, IA 52806

Tuesday-Friday (9am - 6pm) Saturday (9am-4pm)

International Collectors Association

For further information call 217-726-7590

Rock Island Economic Growth Corporation (GROWTH) is pleased to announce that seven community gardens will receive a total of $4,250 in assistance through the new Rock Island Community Garden Program. The program allows neighborhood organizations to lease vacant parcels of land for purposes of creating and maintaining a community garden space.

Community gardens are pieces of land that are gardened by a group of people, many times from the same neighborhood. Funding for the community gardens will help neighborhood groups establish a new garden or maintain an existing garden. Funds will be used for soil, fencing, water, plants, rain barrels, and other items to make their gardens more beautiful and functional.

The Rauch Family Foundation donated $3,000 towards the effort, Modern Woodmen of America donated $750, and GROWTH contributed $500.

Following are the community gardens:

  • Broadway Victory Garden: Broadway Victory Garden will make 18 plots available and also have an area for children at their garden located at 800 20th Street. The Victory Garden was the pilot community garden developed in partnership with GROWTH. Broadway will use their $1,000 grant to purchase dirt to establish the garden and additional items to support the creation of the garden.
  • Christ Church Cathedral has leased 1419 5th Street and will work with Karen refugees living in the neighborhood to plant Asian vegetables. The $750 grant will help establish this new garden.
  • Community Caring Conference:  The CCC garden is located at 1501-1503 8th Avenue. Ten plots will be available and participants will come from the West End Neighborhood Association. The $500 grant will help establish this new garden including purchasing a rain barrel, fencing, picnic table, and shed.
  • Greenbush Neighborhood: Greenbush Neighbors will offer garden plots at a new community garden located at 2800 7th Avenue. The $500 grant will help establish this new garden.
  • Old Chicago Community Organic Garden Association: This garden is located at 1116-1124 4th Avenue. Twelve plots are available and organic gardening will be practiced. The $500 grant will be used to purchase gardening tools and fencing.
  • Rock Island County Area Project: RICAP has a lot at 935 29th Avenue and offers the garden plots at no cost to gardeners. Twenty-five garden plots are available to residents of South Rock Island Township. The $500 grant will help purchase fencing for the garden.
  • St. Joseph the Worker House: Two to three plots are available at 1920 and 1924 9th Avenue. The garden serves and provides food for the homeless women and children living as a part of the Worker House Transitional Living program. The $500 grant will be used to purchase rain barrels, garden tools, plants, and mulch.

Community gardens have many benefits for communities including:

  • returning unused or vacant parcels of land into thriving gardens with purpose and beauty
  • improved quality of life for participants tending to the garden and receiving the garden's harvest
  • a catalyst for community development
  • stimulates social interaction and encourages self-reliance
  • beautifies communities
  • produces nutritious food
  • reduces family food budgets
  • conserves resources
  • creates opportunity for recreation, exercise, therapy, and education
  • preserves green space
  • provides opportunities for intergenerational and cross-cultural connections are a way for people to come together

Kids of all ages are invited to Rivermont Collegiate's spring play: Tales from Five Continents! This children's play will take you on a spellbinding adventure from Africa to Asia as a mysterious storyteller weaves the tales from a Cherokee fable which explains the bringing of the stories into the world.

Rivermont students in grades 9-12 bring these humorous and touching stories to life in a culturally enriching style that will resonate with you long after the curtain closes.

Join us Saturday, April 24th and Sunday, April 25th at 2:00 p.m. in the auditorium on the Rivermont campus.  Tickets are $5 at the door.  Rivermont Collegiate is located directly off 18th Street, behind K&K Hardware in Bettendorf.  For more information, contact Rivermont at (563) 359-1366 or visit us online at www.rvmt.org.  This event is open to the community!

