DES MOINES, IA - Locals 33 and 125 of the Plumbers and Steamfitters Union - as well as their international affiliate, the United Association of Plumbers, Fitters, Welders and HVAC Service Techs and their General President William P. Hite -- have announced their endorsement of Bruce Braley for US Senate. Locals 33 and 125 represent over 2,500 skilled mechanical contractors across the state of Iowa.
Braley announced in February that he had formed a committee to run for the Senate seat being vacated by retiring Sen. Tom Harkin.
Andy Roberts, Business Manager of Local 33, said, "The Plumbers and Steamfitters of Iowa are excited to stand with Bruce Braley in his 2014 campaign for Senate. Bruce is someone who grew up working in Iowa, put himself through college, and has been working ever since. He understands the challenges middle class families face and the value of hard work. That's why he's fought hard for working families in Congress, and why he'll be an effective voice for the middle class in the Senate."
Bruce Braley said, "I'm proud to have the endorsement of the Plumbers and Steamfitters. I'm running for Senate to strengthen the middle class, create economic opportunity for everyone, and bring people together to get things done. Their support will be a big help as we continue to build our grassroots campaign."
Braley has received a wave of endorsements in recent weeks, highlighted by the endorsement of Sen. Tom Harkin on Saturday in Des Moines. In February, Rep. Dave Loebsack (IA-02) and former Rep. Leonard Boswell announced their endorsement; in March, Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller and Treasurer Michael Fitzgerald endorsed; on April 3rd, 71 Iowa legislators announced their endorsement of Braley. Last week, Braley reported he had raised $1.07 million for his Senate campaign and has over $1 million cash on hand as of March 30th. Iowans from all 99 counties have contributed to Braley for Iowa.
The Plumbers and Steamfitters are the 13th Iowa labor organization to endorse Braley.
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