Taps nearly $200 Million in Federal Funds, Protects Consumer's Rights
CHICAGO - May 4, 2010. Governor Pat Quinn today announced legislation that will expand insurance coverage for uninsured people with pre-existing conditions by tapping into nearly $200 million in federal funds. As part of this legislative push, Governor Quinn is also introducing a measure to create a Health Consumer's Bill of Rights.
Both bills will help Illinois to quickly implement significant aspects of the recently-passed federal health insurance reform law.
"We must act now to increase health insurance protections for Illinois families and ensure that the state receives nearly $200 million in federal funds to help cover those who are uninsured and have pre-existing conditions," said Governor Quinn. "The state is committed to meeting President Obama's vision of expanding health coverage, making it more affordable and ensuring health insurance companies are more accountable."
The first bill allows the Illinois Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan to form an expanded high-risk pool with approximately $200 million in federal funds that will be made available starting this summer. The high-risk pool will provide affordable coverage for uninsured persons with pre-existing conditions and is required under the federal health insurance reforms.
The second bill creates the Health Insurance Consumer's Bill of Rights. That bill will:
  • Guarantee coverage for children with pre-existing conditions;
  • Guarantee residents the ability to have health insurance rescissions reviewed by the state - the same  protection available now for home and automotive insurance policyholders;
  • Guarantee women's access to obstetrical and gynecological care;
  • Ensure that all dependents under the age of 26 are eligible to remain covered under a parent's plan;
  • Require insurance companies to cover wellness and prevention benefits such as immunizations and screenings at no cost to the policyholder;
  • Require health insurers to publicly disclose important information about premiums, health care costs, enrollment and claims information.
"Illinois families and businesses invest hard-earned dollars into health insurance premiums and reasonably expect financial security in exchange," said Michael McRaith, Director of the Illinois Department of Insurance. "As health insurers impose unrestrained premium increases and more frequently deny coverage, Illinois families and businesses deserve enhanced protection from abusive practices."

One of America's largest grassroots organizations fighting against illegal immigration has used their national network and existing state legislation campaigns to help quickly carry Arizona's SB 1070 to twelve other states!

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC has focused a lot of lobbying efforts into passing immigration enforcement legislation on the state level and has assisted in the passage of enforcement legislation in over 30 states. ALIPAC is also accredited with helping defeat state legislation to provide taxpayer benefits such as licenses and in-state tuition rates to illegal aliens.

ALIPAC has documented efforts by state lawmakers to file SB 1070 in 12 states already including Arkansas, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, and Utah.

For full details on each state that is or will be filing copies of Arizona's SB 1070, please see the list at this link...

"We are excited to see so many Americans who represent the 60-81% of US Citizens who support Arizona's SB 1070 contacting their state lawmakers to ask for similar legislation," said William Gheen of ALIPAC. "Our network of over 30,000 supporters started asking other states to follow Arizona weeks before Governor Brewer signed the bill. We will not stop until we have SB 1070 protecting American jobs, wages, health, and lives in all 50 states!"

ALIPAC activists from across America lobbied lawmakers in Arizona to help pass SB 1070. They also called to lobby Arizona Governor Jan Brewer to sign the bill, when the national illegal alien supporting groups tried to block the legislation.

Citizens who are interested in supporting SB 1070 legislation in the 12 new states taking up the bill or who would like to get the bill filed in their state are encouraged to join ALIPAC's national network via e-mail alerts at www.alipac.us ALIPAC's communications network is also available to citizens via Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

For more information or to get involved, please visit www.alipac.us

WASHINGTON, D.C. - May 4, 2010 - Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) today issued the following statement as the United States Senate began debate on a financial services reform bill.  Consideration of the measure comes after Senate Republicans obstructed the bill for a full week by voting three times to block the bill from coming up for debate.

"Over the last decade, our economy has fundamentally failed to serve the hard-working families on Main Street, while Wall Street has rewarded itself with multi-million dollar bonuses.  For far too long, their mentality has been 'heads we win and tails the whole nation loses.'  Well, the nation lost.  Those giant institutions and their allies are now claiming they learned their lesson and asking that we trust them.  But we must not risk the nation's economic health again. 

"Millions of taxpayers have seen their retirement savings washed away, their homes foreclosed and many small businesses have had to close their doors.  According to a study by the Pew Charitable Trusts, the financial meltdown and recession have cost the average American family $100,000 in lost wealth and income.

"The financial regulatory reform bill is a strong proposal that will help make our financial system work for all Americans - not just Wall Street.  These reforms will help to put our economy back on solid ground by creating a stable financial sector by helping families and business owners, rather than speculating and gambling with taxpayer money.  It will also provide protection for consumers and will restore a fair playing field for community banks in Iowa. 

"Specifically, the legislation includes a number of provisions that will help make sure we never find ourselves in this situation again.  Among others, it includes the creation of a systemic risk overseer to provide comprehensive oversight to our financial sector; much higher capital standards on the largest financial institutions; strong regulation that would restore transparency and integrity to the derivatives market; the creation of a resolution process akin to bankruptcy that will wind-down the largest financial institutions without the use of taxpayer funds; consolidation of banking regulators to prevent institutions from shopping for the weakest regulation; and a consumer protection bureau devoted to protecting consumers from unfair and abusive practices.

"As this debate moves forward, I will work to ensure that this legislation is not watered down with special carve-outs or weakened in ways that will make taxpayer bailouts more likely in the future.  I will also work to further strengthen the measure by providing additional consumer protections from excessive bank and credit card charges.  Iowans deserve strong reform that protects consumer and holds big banks accountable for their actions, and I will work to make sure that Congress delivers that reform."

WHEN: 5-15-10

TIME: 1-4 p.m.

WHERE: Barnes & Noble at North Park Mall, 320 W. Kimberly Rd., Davenport, IA 52806

WHAT: Louise will be available to sign copies of her Christian Living book, Longing for Wholeness.

When you look in the mirror, who do you see–what do you see? Are you living the desires of your heart? Do you long to awaken with a joy and feel so alive? Longing For Wholeness is a compassionate and conclusive work written in a fresh style. You will stay engaged as Linda Louise fits the bits and pieces of her life together to fill the emptiness that yearns for worth and loving acceptance. In her compelling story, she reveals the dynamics of a life riddled with shame and contempt. Inside this book, Linda shares her experiences to inspire hope and how she found the freedom to express who she believes she was born to be. You will never question the hope that fills the words written here.

For more information, contact Terry Cordingley at 888-361-9473 or terry@tatepublishing.com


Statement of Senator Chuck Grassley

Hearing of the Committee on Finance

The President's Proposed Fee on Financial Institutions Regarding TARP:  Part 2
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I want to thank two Iowans who will be testifying on our second panel today.  They are John Sorensen, the president and CEO of the Iowa Bankers Association, and Pat Baird, the chairman of AEGON USA and the last chairman of the American Council of Life Insurers.

The statute that created TARP said that the President is supposed to propose a plan in 2013 to repay taxpayers for any losses from TARP.  However, earlier this year, three years before he was supposed to under the statute, the President proposed what he called a Financial Crisis Responsibility Fee. The President's top tax official, the Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy, admitted that the President's proposal is actually an excise tax, and not a fee. Obviously, in 2013 we will have a much better estimate of projected TARP losses than we have now in 2010.

The President said that one of the purposes of the TARP tax is to repay taxpayers for any losses from TARP.  I completely agree that taxpayers should be paid back every penny of TARP losses. Any losses that result from TARP will increase the deficit, which has ballooned under President Obama.  Therefore, to pay back taxpayers for any TARP losses, any money raised from the TARP tax would have to be used to pay down the deficit.  Let me repeat that, any money raised from a TARP tax would have to be used to pay down the deficit in order to pay back taxpayers.

If a TARP tax is imposed and the money is simply spent, that doesn't repay taxpayers one cent for any TARP losses.  It's just more tax-and-spend big government, while the taxpayers foot the bill for Washington's out-of-control spending.  I've heard that some of my friends on the other side of the aisle are already looking to use the money raised from a TARP tax to spend it under their arbitrary pay-go rules.

These are the same pay-go rules that say expiring spending provisions don't need to be paid for, but expiring tax provisions do need to be paid for.  That's inconsistent, until you realize that it leads to more taxing and more spending, which results in bigger government.

I hope that Secretary Geithner will assure us that the President means what he says about repaying taxpayers, and that the President will veto any TARP tax that simply spends the TARP tax money without paying down the deficit.

In looking at the President's TARP tax proposal, which I understand the President has already felt the need to change, I find it interesting that GM and Chrysler, which are responsible for about 30 billion of projected losses in TARP, are not subject to the President's proposed tax.

Also, Fannie and Freddie are not subject to the tax.  And hedge funds, like John Paulson's that is involved in the recent Goldman scandal, are not subject to the President's proposed tax.  Meanwhile, companies that did not take any TARP money are subject to the proposed tax. Also, companies that weren't eligible to take any TARP money are subject to the proposed tax. So, it's a questionable design that has been proposed by the President.

When I asked CBO to tell me who would bear the burden of the TARP tax, they said that one of the groups that would bear the burden of the tax would be consumers. I ask unanimous consent that the CBO letter, and a letter from the Independent Community Bankers Association in opposition to the TARP tax be printed in the record.

One of the purposes stated by the President was to reduce risky behavior by financial institutions.  However, CBO stated in their letter to me that the TARP tax "would not have a significant impact on the stability of financial institutions or significantly alter the risk that government outlays will be needed to cover future losses."

One area I'm concerned about is the effect of the tax on small business lending.  CBO stated in their letter to me that it will reduce small business lending.  This comes at a time when the President and my friends on the other side of the aisle are trying to increase the tax rates on small businesses at the end of this year.

The nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation has written that 47 percent of all flow-through business income will be hit with the President's proposed tax rate hikes.  This hits small businesses especially hard, because most small businesses are operated as flow-through entities.  I have yet to hear Administration officials even acknowledge this fact.  Instead, Administration officials choose to use the misleading talking point that the tax increases will only affect 2 or 3 percent of small businesses.  I look forward to hearing the testimony of Secretary Geithner and the other witnesses on the President's proposed TARP tax.


Washington, DC - May 4, 2010 - Congressman Bruce Braley (D-Iowa) today signed onto legislation promoting transparency and openness in government in response to the Citizen's United Supreme Court decision in January. The DISCLOSE (Democracy Is Strengthened by Casting Light On Spending in Elections) Act will require campaigns to release financial information to the public. The legislation was introduced by Reps. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), Mike Castle (R-DE), Walter Jones (R-NC), and Robert A. Brady (D-PA).

"We have an obligation to be open and honest with our constituents throughout the political process," Braley said. "This Supreme Court decision allows big corporations to spend unlimited treasury funds to advocate for or against candidates. I believe Iowans deserve to know who is financing their elected officials. This bill provides that transparency and access to information."

The key directives of the bill are:

  • Enhance requirements for disclosure of political spending
  • Require sponsors and funders of political ads to identify themselves
  • Strengthen prohibition on coordination of political activities
  • Prevent foreign influence on U.S. elections
  • Ban pay-to-play
    • Prevent government contractors from spending money on elections
    • Prevent corporate beneficiaries of TARP from spending money on elections


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Popular Footwear Retailer will engage customers to give back at check-out at all of their retail locations

EVANSVILLE, IN & NASHVILLE, TN -May 4, 2010-- The popular footwear retailer, Shoe Carnival, is once again partnering with shoe charity Soles4Souls, Inc. to help provide shoes for people in need.  The continued partnership between the national footwear retailer and the shoe charity has helped put shoes on the feet of more than 440,000 people in need since the launch of the partnership in 2008.

Beginning May 5 through May 25, Shoe Carnival will continue their support of Soles4Souls by offering customers at  all  311  locations  the opportunity to donate $1 at the register.  Shoe Carnival hopes to raise at least   $150,000 through the in-store program.  All funds will be applied toward sending a new pair of shoes to victims of natural disasters or those living in extreme poverty, both here in the United States and around the world.

Additionally, Shoe Carnival and Soles4Souls will join forces to donate new shoes to local charities in four cities within the US, where thousands of shoes will be given to needy people.

"Shoe Carnival is proud to continue our support of Soles4Souls," said Todd Beurman, Senior Vice President of Marketing for Shoe Carnival. "The ongoing partnership with Soles4Souls fits the core of what our brand strives to do, and that is to provide shoes for people that need them."

"Shoe Carnival has taken on our cause as their own, and we are extremely proud to partner with them to reach thousands of people who are suffering," said Wayne Elsey, Founder and CEO of Soles4Souls.  "Their generosity directly benefits people who need our assistance, and we invite everyone to stop by a Shoe Carnival location to become personally involved," he said.

For more details on the Shoe Carnival / Soles4Souls partnership, visit www.giveshoes.org.


AZUSA, CA (05/03/2010)(readMedia)-- Bettendorf resident and Azusa Pacific University student Matthew S. Atha made the academic Deans' List at APU. Atha, a Political Science Major, is honored for a fall semester 2009 academic standing of 3.5 or better grade-point average. Atha is joined by more than 1,565 other students receiving the same honor.

Azusa Pacific University is a comprehensive, evangelical, Christian university located 26 miles northeast of Los Angeles. A leader in the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities, APU is committed to God First and excellence in higher education. Offering more than 60 areas of undergraduate study, 26 master's degree programs, and 7 doctorates to a total student population of more than 8,500 on campus, online, and at seven regional centers across Southern California, APU has been recognized as one of U.S.News' America's Best Colleges for six years running and by Princeton Review as one of the Best in the West. APU graduates are known for professional excellence, the highest ethical standards, and their desire to make a difference in the world. www.apu.edu


Reminds individuals to check for unclaimed property in the Great Iowa Treasure Hunt

DES MOINES, IA (05/03/2010)(readMedia)-- State Treasurer Michael L. Fitzgerald wants Iowans to know they do not have to wait much longer to see if they have extra funds coming to them in the form of unclaimed property. The spring publication of the Great Iowa Treasure Hunt is scheduled to begin soon and includes thousands of names that have been received in the last year.

"The spring publication is always an exciting time for us," stated Treasurer Fitzgerald. "Our goal is to locate the rightful owners of the unclaimed property. I fully expect that when we publish the new list, thousands of individuals will be pleasantly surprised." Treasurer Fitzgerald would also like to remind individuals that they do not have to wait for publication to begin to see if they have unclaimed property. "Individuals can go to www.greatiowatreasurehunt.com and search the entire Great Iowa Treasure Hunt list for their names anytime."

The Great Iowa Treasure Hunt program has returned over $122 million in unclaimed property to more than 310,000 individuals since Fitzgerald started it in 1983. Unclaimed property refers to money and other assets held by financial institutions or companies that have lost contact with the property's owner for a specific period of time. State law requires these institutions and companies to annually report and deliver unclaimed property to the State Treasurer's Office, where it is held until the owner or heir of the property is found. Common forms of unclaimed property include savings or checking accounts, stocks, uncashed checks, life insurance policies, utility security deposits, and safe deposit box contents.

Everyone is encouraged to keep watch for the upcoming publication coming soon to papers across the state. In the meantime, all Iowans are urged to visit www.greatiowatreasurehunt.com and check to see if they have unclaimed property. Individuals may also send an email to foundit@iowa.gov. For those who prefer corresponding by mail, please write to: State Treasurer Michael L. Fitzgerald, Great Iowa Treasure Hunt, Lucas State Office Building, Des Moines, IA 50319. Please make sure to provide current name, previous names and addresses.

This Mother's Day, pamper mom with a delicious breakfast in bed.  Our recipes are simple (she'll think you slaved for hours), healthy (so delicious she'll swear you're ruining a diet) and since you're getting all the ingredients from ALDI...she'll think you spent twice as much.  After saving up to 50 percent on the perfect brunch for mom, you'll have money to spend on a beautiful bouquet (or two!) of flowers, too!

We recommend:

· Apple Raisin Pancakes

· Cantaloupe and Blueberries with Vanilla Sauce

· Vegetarian Frittata

Vegetarian Frittata - 6 servings

Preparation: 10 min.   Cooking: 15 min.   Total: 25 min.

· 2 tbsp. unsalted butter

· 4 scallions, trimmed and minced

· 4 cans green chilies, drained, seeded and chopped (wear rubber gloves)

· 3 tomatoes, seeded and chopped

· 8 Goldhen grade A large eggs, lightly beaten

· 6 oz. Happy Farms mild cheddar cheese, shredded

· 1/3 cup cilantro, or parsley, chopped

· 1/4 tsp. salt to taste (optional)

· 1/2 cup salsa

Turn on broiler. Melt butter in a heavy ovenproof skillet over medium heat. Sauté scallions 4-5 minutes, or until tender. Stir in chilies and tomatoes and simmer about 3 minutes, stirring occasionally, until tomatoes are softened. Stir in beaten eggs, cheese and cilantro. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Cook over medium-low heat 5-6 minutes until eggs are almost set in the center. Place skillet under broiler about 1 minute, or until eggs are just set. Do not overcook. Serve frittata cut into wedges with salsa.  Wake mom up with breakfast and a beautiful floral bouquet.
