Dick Stahl, a retired English teacher from Davenport Central High School and a former poet laureate of Quad Cities has written a poem about new Rock Island business Cool Beanz Coffeehouse, 1325 30th Street. Stahl performed this poem at Cool Beanz Poetry Slam earlier this year. The poem, titled " At Cool Beanz Coffeehouse", now hangs on the walls for all patrons to read and enjoy while they sip their gourmet beverages. This nice addition to the walls has brought an important aspect of Quad City art to the eclectic decor.
This is the corner house where hot coffee brewing
draws you in like a good book,
its aroma-like lines
satisfying every desire
with delicious chapters entitled Cappuccino, Latte,
Mocha and Espresso. The gourmet
reads with sips
of pleasure in this coffeehouse
and lets the world-flavored,
Midwestern-roasted beans do their magic.
Add an Augustana Bananas Panini
to your order and sit down
with your senses up
to any chapter, your tongue tantalized by
any engaging wit. Now your best ideas top
the academic menu: Nutty Professor, Geo 101,
The Sorority Girl
and, for that first yawn, the All Nighter.
Time to plug in your laptop
at the energy kiosk
and google the love poetry
of Petrarch. You'll fall in love
with Petrarch's Laura too as fourteen-liners
roll along like a heady brew
on your lips, like a warm place
to chill. You drink the Italian poet's words
like a new style. Laura's beauty consumes you, brims
your soul with a romance
you didn't see coming
and now, with Annette serving you,
the poetry reading starts
on stage. No wonder you can hardly keep it
all together anymore
until you realize tomorrow's assignment's
finished with that eye-
and-tongue rapture
that downs like
a final drop
of House.
Helen and Dick Stahl
At Cool Beanz Coffeehouse - a warm place to chill
--- Annette Zapolis- President