Fox Ridge Winery, located in the northern part of Tama County, will open for business on Saturday, May 15.  Owners Mike and Gwen Seda started their vineyard back in 2004 when the first grapevines were planted.  Since then, children, grandchildren and extended family members have gathered to plant and harvest the 4 grape varieties the Sedas now specialize in.  Mike and Gwen have always ventured in alternative cropping; their farm is home to the Seda Tree Farm where families have gone for years to choose and cut their own Christmas tree.  The acreage has also produced bushels of fruit from their orchard.  With their savvy interest in non-traditional farming, the vineyard seemed to fit right in as Iowa is becoming a leader in grape production.


Fox Ridge currently produces 9 wine varieties, ranging from the sweeter flavors of both red and white, to the drier palates preferred by connoisseurs.  Guests can sample the wines in the custom tasting room.  Also available on site: Iowa meats, cheeses, chocolates and gift selection.

Special Events

With the opening of Fox Ridge Winery, the area now has another option for event hosting.  The winery features a banquet room that seats 100 comfortably with a kitchen and catering area.  The outdoor deck and patio can accommodate an additional 100 guests, making the site ideal for a variety of events.


The winery can accommodate large groups including tour busses; advance notification is preferred.


Live entertainment is planned throughout the summer, including Bob Dorr and the Blue Band on Saturday, June 5th from 6-9pm.

Hours are Tuesday-Thursday 11am-4pm, Friday-Sunday 11am-6pm.

More information can be found at

Blood Drive

The 12th Northern district of Ancient Free And Accepted Masons is hosting their annual blood drive.

Date:    05/26/2010 Time:    3:00 to 6:00 PM

Place:   Methodist Church Orion IL. (Turn left off US 150 east of Casey's Store continue to City Park on right, Methodist Church on Left)

Contact: Marvin Whittaker 309-737-9231 /


I want to make crystal clear that taxpayers should be paid back every penny of TARP losses.  The statute that created TARP said that the President is supposed to propose a plan in 2013 to repay taxpayers for any losses from TARP.  However, earlier this year, three years before he was supposed to under the statute, the President proposed what he called a Financial Crisis Responsibility Fee.

Obviously, in 2013 we will have a much better estimate of projected TARP losses than we have now in 2010.  The President said that one of the purposes of the TARP tax is to repay taxpayers for any losses from TARP.  I want to make sure this actually happens, and that it's not just empty rhetoric.  Any losses that result from TARP will increase the deficit, which has ballooned under President Obama.  Therefore, to pay back taxpayers for any TARP losses, any money raised from the TARP tax would have to be used to pay down the deficit.  If a TARP tax is imposed and the money is simply spent, that doesn't repay taxpayers one cent for any TARP losses.  It's like getting a raise and saying you're going to pay down your credit card with the extra money, but then choosing to spend the money instead of paying down the credit card.

It shouldn't be any surprise to learn that your credit card balance didn't go down.  Saying you're going to pay down your credit card -- in this case, the deficit -- doesn't do any good.  You have to actually do it.  I've heard that some of my friends on the other side of the aisle are already looking to use the money raised from a TARP tax to spend it under their arbitrary pay-go rules.

When I tried to get a commitment from Secretary Geithner on this point, he wouldn't give me one.  That's disappointing.  However, I was encouraged that it sounds like the Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee and I see the TARP tax the same way.  Martin Vaughan wrote a May 5 Dow Jones Newswires column titled, "House Panel Chairman: Bank Tax Plan Not Ready For Prime Time."  The column states, "Levin signaled he doesn't favor pairing the bank tax with legislation already pending in Congress, such as the financial overhaul bill or a separate bill to extend expired tax breaks.  First, he said, the tax should be used for deficit reduction and not to pay for new spending.  'At this point, I don't think the bank tax is ready to be a pay-for,' Levin said."

In looking at the President's TARP tax proposal, which I understand the President has already felt the need to change, it's interesting that GM and Chrysler, which are responsible for about 30 billion of projected losses in TARP, are not subject to the President's proposed tax.  Secretary Geithner said that GM and Chrysler were simply victims of the financial crisis, and therefore shouldn't be subject to the President's tax.  However, Ford didn't take any TARP money and survived just fine.  In addition, with GM and Chrysler responsible for such large amounts of TARP losses, it seems only fair that they should be subject to the TARP tax to pay back some of those losses.  GM and Chrysler were both invited by Chairman Baucus and me to testify at this hearing and make their case regarding why they shouldn't be subject to the tax, and both declined.  Their silence is deafening.

Also, Fannie and Freddie are not subject to the tax.  We'll explore whether that makes sense at today's hearing.  And hedge funds are not subject to the President's proposed tax. Meanwhile, companies that did not take any TARP money are subject to the proposed tax.

The President's proposed tax is so lacking in details that members of Congress that are being asked to support it are having a very difficult time figuring out how it would apply and who is subject to the tax.   When I asked CBO to tell me who would bear the burden of the TARP tax, they said that one of the groups that would bear the burden of the tax would be consumers.  CBO stated in their letter to me that the President's tax will reduce small business lending.  Under the new version of the tax proposed by the President, small business loans would be considered the riskiest assets held by the banks, and therefore subject to the highest taxes.  Considering the 9.9 percent unemployment rate, the trouble small businesses are having getting credit, and the proposed tax hikes on small business, I am very concerned with that aspect of the proposal.

One of the purposes for the tax stated by the President is to reduce risky behavior by financial institutions.  However, CBO stated in their letter to me that the TARP tax, quote, "would not have a significant impact on the stability of financial institutions or significantly alter the risk that government outlays will be needed to cover future losses."  That's not just me saying it, that's the nonpartisan CBO saying it. If the United States imposes a TARP tax and other countries don't, it will make our financial institutions less competitive than their foreign competitors.  Of the G-20 countries, Australia, Canada, Japan, Russia, and Brazil are opposed to a bank tax, and South Africa doesn't want its banks taxed.  I look forward to hearing the testimony from the witnesses today.

SPRINGFIELD - The Illinois Dept of Public Health (IDPH) is advising residents who obtain their drinking water from private wells in the Coyne Center Co-Op (Rock Island) area to test their water for possible groundwater contamination.  Routine testing of the Coyne Center Co-Op community water supply wells by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) indicates contaminants could be present in the area's private wells.

The contaminant xylene was detected at levels lower than the Illinois Groundwater Standard.  Although the contaminant's levels were lower than the standard, this is the same groundwater that serves private wells and it is possible the levels of the contaminants may be highter in private wells.

Residents with private wells located within the area south of 106th Avenue, north of 127th Avenue, east of U. S. 67 and west of Mill Creek, are encouraged to have their water tested for volatile organic compounds by a private laboratory.

For a list of laboritories certified to analyze drinking water for volatile organic compounds, interpretation of test results, contaminant health effects nformation, and recommendations for individuals who regularly consume well water, contact John Smet (, Illinois Department of Public Health, Peoria Regional Office, 5415 North University, Peoria, IL 61614; phone (309) 693-5360.  You may also contact Paul Guse, Rock Island County Health Dept, 2112 - 25th Ave, Rock Island, IL 61201; phone (309) 793-1955 or email

The risk of adverse health effects depends on the levels of contaminants in the water and the length of exposure.  Long-term exposure to these chemicals may result in an increased health rist to the liver and kidneys.

No violations of State of Illinois or federal drinking water standards have occured at Coyne Center Co-Op.  For more information concerning the community water supply, contact Dean Studer at (217) 558-8280 or email


A $1000 prize is offered to the last poet standing in a contest sponsored by the Christian Poets Guild.  The contest is free to enter and open to poets of any age.  Fifty prizes totaling more than $5000 will be awarded.

Poems of 21 lines or fewer on any subject and in any style will be judged by guild contest director Dr. Joseph Mellon.  "We love encouraging poets," he says, "and trust this contest will produce exciting results."

Entries my be received by May 31, and may be submitted by mail to Free Poetry Contest, 1299 S. Main St., #129, Yenka, CA 96097 or at  A winners list will be sent to all entrants.

Running 13.1 Miles for Charity

Davenport, Iowa (May 11, 2010) - Local student and resident Holly Scaro will be putting her body to the test when she tackles the 13.1 mile Chicago Half Marathon for the first time on September 12, 2010 for a local Quad Cities charity, Non-Profit Chiropractic Organization (NPCO).

Scaro has a personal story for running the Chicago Half Marathon. Her aunt recently passed away from cancer, so this will be on her mind as she runs her race. "She will be the person I'm thinking about as I keep on pushing to the finish line," she explains. "Cancer has been a great challenge for the women in my family, and doing the Chicago Half Marathon is a great way for me to encourage myself and the rest of my family to be healthy."

As a first time runner, Scaro is excited to finish something that she has never done before. "I'm glad that I can run and support chiropractic healthcare, which is something I'm very passionate about," she said. Scaro is currently in her 5th trimester at Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa pursuing her Doctor of Chiropractic degree.

Holly will be joining doctors, students, patients and supporters of chiropractic from around the country that will all be "Running with a Vision for a Healthier Tomorrow" this fall for Non-Profit Chiropractic Organization (NPCO). All money raised will go towards opening up new non-profit clinics that provide chiropractic healthcare in third-world countries. This year NPCO has chosen to open an eco-friendly, sustainable clinic in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

To find out more about Holly's upcoming run or register as a runner or supporter, please visit her personal fundraising website at She has set a fundraising goal of $1,000 to reach within the next few months. No matter how much you can give, she encourages anyone and everyone to donate to her cause of providing a healthier tomorrow for others.

Holly is the May Featured Runner for Team NPCO. Please visit to read her complete Runner Profile or to find out more information about NPCO and Team NPCO for Chiropractic.


The Iowa Scriptwriters Alliance Announces:

Advanced Screenwriting Workshop

Saturday May 15 2010 - 10 AM to 5 PM

Downtown Des Moines Library

1000 Grand Avenue

Des Moines, IA 50309

Cost: free to Iowa Scriptwriters Alliance Members (ISA)

$15.00 for Iowa Motion Picture Association Members (IMPA)

$20.00 for non-members of ISA or IMPA

Learn about action movie scripts. This course, taught by a veteran filmmaker and screenwriter will cover the basics and three-act structure, action specifics, advanced structure, sequences, and character. There will be a one hour lunch break from noon to one for lunch on your own.

For anyone working on an action script, bring a one page summary of your story to share and obtain group feedback and help on your story.

To register, mail the following:


Telephone Number

Address, City, State, Zip

Email address

Mail to: Deb O'Bryan 8918 Townsend Avenue Urbandale IA 50322

Or email information to

For questions, contact Deb at 515-313-7866.


A Screening Clinic will be held to identify children from birth to 18 years of age

for possible treatment at a Shriners Hospital.

Children needing help with:
      • birth defects

      • orthopedic problems

      • cerebral palsy

      • cleft palate

      • burns & burn scars

      • juvenile rheumatoid arthritis

      • back injuries

      • scoliosis

These, and many other conditions are treated at the

Shriners Hospitals

    for Children

    with no expense to the family

    All applications will be kept strictly confidential.

9 am - 12 pm, Saturday on May 29, 2010

at the Masonic Center, 611 E. 65th Street, Davenport IA .

Sponsored by the Kaaba Shriners.

For questions please call our Office:



Fifth and sixth graders at Earl Hanson School are participating in the "National Lab Day" celebration this week by learning about water treatment programs. Area scientists and professors are going to spend part of the day educating 100 students about clean water, water conservation, third world water problems, etc.

The connection among the school and scientists was made by teacher, Kate Lievens, who signed up online through a relatively new nationwide program called "National Lab Day" ( At this site teachers sign up for projects they would like to see in their classrooms and are matched up with scientists who want to help educate area school children.

The media is invited to see National Lab Day in action Wednesday, May 12th beginning at 11:00 at Earl Hanson School (4000 9th Street). Available for interviews are Lievens, Dr. Kevin Geedey (Professor of Biology at Augustana College), Sandy O'Neill with the Rock Island Water Treatment Plant, Bob Bohannon a Moline Water lab Chemist and Greg Swanson, Moline's Utilities General Manager.

The National Lab Day site is one element in a White House initiative to encourage public-private partnerships in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education. Lievens is one of the first teachers to participate in the program and has been featured in a national science magazine.


National Mediation Board decision will treat rail and aviation workers the same as other employees covered by the National Labor Relations Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA), Chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, praised today's National Mediation Board decision to provide fair labor elections for rail and aviation workers.  The updated regulations were published in this morning's Federal Register.

Current election procedures treat rail and aviation workers differently from workers in other industries and U.S. citizens voting for government officials.  In order to gain union representation, a majority of all eligible rail and aviation workers must cast a vote for the union to prevail.  Workers who do not vote are counted as "no" votes against unionization.  Non-voters in elections held outside the rail and aviation industries are counted as abstentions, meaning that a simple majority of votes cast is all that is required. 

The updated regulations will allow a majority of those voting to choose union representation, putting rail and aviation workers on par with other workers.

"These regulations will ensure that aviation and rail workers have the same right to join a union as other workers in our country," Senator Harkin said. "I applaud the NMB's decision to amend its election procedures and bring basic fairness to workers in these critical industries.  NMB's long overdue rule change ensures that all American workers will have a voice in the workplace and a right to fair wages and work conditions."

In December of 2009, Harkin, Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-HI), Chairman of the Appropriations Committee and Sen. John Rockefeller (D-WY), Chairman of the Commerce Committee were joined by Senators Akaka (D-HI), Boxer (D-CA), Brown (D-OH), Burris (D-IL), Byrd (D-WV), Cantwell (D-WA), Cardin (D-MD), Casey (D-PA), Dodd (D-CT), Durbin (D-IL), Feingold (D-WI), Franken (D-MN), Gillibrand (D-NY), Johnson (D-SD), Kaufman (D-DE), Kerry (D-MA), Kirk (D-MA), Klobuchar (D-MN), Lautenberg (D-NJ), Leahy (D-VT), Levin (D-MI), McCaskill (D-MO), Menendez (D-NJ), Merkley (D-OR), Mikulski (D-MD), Murray (D-WA), Reed (D-RI), Sanders (I-VT), Schumer (D-NY), Shaheen (D-NH), Specter (D-PA), Stabenow (D-MI), Tester (D-MT), Tom Udall (D-NM), Whitehouse (D-RI) and Wyden (D-OR) in sending a letter to the National Mediation Board advocating for this change.  Click here to access the full text of the letter:
