Forret: "He's not a typical Republican. He knows what built America... organized labor and the American farmer."

MOLINE, IL -- Bobby Schilling received a major endorsement today from Bradley Forret, former President and organizer for the Laborers Local 309 in Rock Island. Forret also served as a member of the Great Plains Laborers District Council.

Forret said that Schilling was the better choice for organized labor.

"Bobby Schilling best reflects my beliefs as a business owner, a veteran, a hunter, an outdoorsman, a Christian, a gun owner with rights for concealed carry, and as a laborer," Forret said.
Forret praised Schilling's 13 years of union experience.

"He's not a typical Republican," Forret said. "Bobby is a union man. He knows what built America?organized labor and the American farmer. He'll protect our right to organize and belong to organized labor. And he'll work to fix our economy and create more union jobs."

Forret also pointed out that Schilling is a strong supporter of the second amendment.

"Bobby Schilling respects our constitutional right to bear arms, and he supports the right to carry," Forret said.

"I endorse Mr. Schilling," Forret continued. "And I ask you, as a constituent of the 17th District, to also support him. It's time to vote for the person, not the party."

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