What's the best sightseeing to do in Vegas in 100-degree-plus weather? Stay mostly inside and check out the great art scene. Last Thursday I took the inaugural nonstop flight to Las Vegas from the Quad Cities airport.
Edited by Curtis C. Roseman and Elizabeth M. Roseman 252 pages 2004, University of Iowa Press The new book Grand Excursions on the Upper Mississippi River should not be considered a lightweight souvenir for people wanting to remember the upcoming Grand Excursion celebration.
• Trinity Regional Health System has confirmed it will proceed with plans to build a new cardiac-catheterization lab at its Trinity at Terrace Park hospital. The State of Iowa approved Trinity's certificate-of-need filing at a hearing in Des Moines.
In its effort to capitalize on available state money, the City of Davenport is working quickly to finalize its first phase of the joint Rock Island/Davenport River Vision implementation. But chasing that money - the city plans to ask for $15 million from Iowa's Vision Iowa and Community Attractions & Tourism (CAT) programs - means the city council probably won't be giving itself or the public much time to study the plan's details, including its financing or a riverfront casino hotel that became part of the discussion only at the tail end of the process.
Connie Gibbons, executive director of the River Music Experience, has said she views the new roots-music center on a par with big-city facilities such as the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland and the Experience Music Project in Seattle.
If Susan Esser had known what she was getting into, she might never have started the Quad Cities' speed-dating service. That first session, in April 2001, didn't go as smoothly as planned, as she was unsure how to facilitate the orderly flow of singles from one person to the next.
• With $220,000 left to raise for the $1.425-million community library, the LeClaire Community Library Board of Trustees has kicked off the public phase of its JOIN IN Capital Campaign. The campaign cabinet will be broadening its solicitation efforts to ask all LeClaire resides for their financial support for this project.
For all the deliberate planning happening in Davenport in recent years - River Renaissance improvements, Prairie Heights, the River Vision project, and the city's comprehensive plan, to cite a few examples - one key item is still being addressed haphazardly: the city's form of government.
• Students from the Davenport Community School District and North Scott Schools pooled their talents and hard work to complete a multi-level, $300,000-plus house to help celebrate the fifth anniversary of the Student Built Home Program.
Federal Election Commission Chairperson Bradley A. Smith talks big. During a commencement address May 23 at Augustana College, he said, "It is a fact that under the Supreme Court's jurisprudence today, criticism of a congressman close to an election receives less constitutional protection than does Internet pornography, simulated child pornography, tobacco advertising, topless dancing, defamation, flag-burning, or burning a cross outside a black church.
