A costly mistake by the parents of a 4-H club member has turned into some bad publicity for Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich. Representative Shane Cultra (an Onarga Republican) wants an apology from the governor over his remarks last week about the State Fair animal-doping controversy.
Pharmacists and road-builders have to wait months for their state-government reimbursements, but Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich has managed to find the cash to green-light $200 million worth of pork-barrel projects.
This week a presidential candidates' town-hall meeting was hosted in Philadelphia by the Sheet Metal Workers International Association to expose viewers to seven democratic candidates for president. The seven included Joseph Lieberman (U.
Add the justices of the Illinois Supreme Court to the long list of politicians who have been bested by Governor Rod Blagojevich. The governor has a way of bringing out the worst in his fellow politicos, and the Supremes were no exception last week.
Let's look at the current headlines for a moment. Kobe Bryant's alleged criminal conduct. The alleged rape might have deserved a brief mention at the time the complaint was filed, but the news stations continue to make it the top story, complete with legal strategies and in-depth analysis of such.
With the Iowa Caucuses being less than six months away, the excitement is most certainly building. Once again, Iowa has the honor of maintaining its first-in-the-nation status. We are the first state that has the chance to show support for a presidential candidate.
In yet another example of how obsessed Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich is about his public image, even during "the worst fiscal crisis in the state's history," the governor is requiring state employees to videotape and review local TV-news broadcasts about him seven days a week on state time.
Have you ever committed a felony? If you've ever written a lewd comment on a postcard, you have committed a felony (which is generally defined as a crime punishable by more than 365 days in prison). Or if you refused to register for the draft after turning 18, or knowingly misvalued the items in your suitcase, or smuggled an abortion pill from France, or taken a baseball bat to a mailbox.
On July 16, 2003, American Airlines announced the elimination of its daily flight schedule from the Quad City International Airport to St. Louis effective November 1, 2003. While my initial reaction to this announcement, albeit premature, was "devastating," there is much more to the story.
While the City of Davenport struggles to find $1.7 million to balance its budget, the City of Bettendorf and Scott County aren't having crises, even though they're dealing with a similar state cut. The Iowa legislature in its spring session passed something called the Reinvention Savings Bill, which cut $60 million to local governments.
