Let's continue our look at U.S. Senate candidates. This time, the Democrats: • Comptroller Dan Hynes - Obviously the man to beat. Hynes has lined up big-time labor support, he has the backing of most county Democrat chairmen, he has put together a good organization, and he has won two statewide elections by wide margins.
Ebenezer Scrooge must be alive and well ... and running the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). For only a bitter, cold-hearted, money-grubbing old man like Scrooge could think that financially hurting a working single mother with a 12-year-old daughter is a good idea.
This seems like a good time to rate the various U.S. Senate candidates. Let's start with the Republicans. • Jack Ryan - A handsome multi-millionaire with three Ivy League degrees, quit his investment-banking career and went to work as a teacher in an inner-city school.
Having the Ten Commandments removed from an Alabama courthouse is not a tragedy for Christianity, but it is a tragedy for our nation. The fact that our founders were mainly Christians is important because they used their faith to make a constitution that relies on the principles of self-governance.
The media missed the mark on Illinois Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka's press conference not long ago. Topinka summoned reporters to issue a public demand that the governor call a special session to deal with the budget problem.
The Davenport Community School District (DCSD) will hold its election for the new board next Tuesday, September 9. It is more important than ever for voters to participate because this new school board will be making decisions that will have long-term impact not only on the quality of our children's education, but also on our community as a whole.
I generally sympathize with the pro-hunting folks, but the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance is engaging in either deliberate lies or abject incompetence these days. The alliance's Web site (http://www.ussportsmen.
I have to respectfully disagree with editor Kathleen McCarthy's recent assessment that the Democratic candidates provide "little analysis of why things are wrong, or much discussion about how he or she would make corrections.
A costly mistake by the parents of a 4-H club member has turned into some bad publicity for Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich. Representative Shane Cultra (an Onarga Republican) wants an apology from the governor over his remarks last week about the State Fair animal-doping controversy.
Pharmacists and road-builders have to wait months for their state-government reimbursements, but Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich has managed to find the cash to green-light $200 million worth of pork-barrel projects.
