History of the Iowa State Fair

The University of Iowa Press is proud to present our newest Iowa and the Midwest Experience series title, Carnival in the Countryside: The History of the Iowa State Fair, by Chris Rasmussen.

Praise for Carnival in the Countryside
"Chris Rasmussen's Carnival in the Countryside offers a fascinating saga of one of the most heralded midwestern institutions of our day: the Iowa State Fair and its famous butter cow. Beyond Hollywood's image of a young Pat Boone playing a strapping country boy adrift in Des Moines, beyond a nineteenth-century history that invites nostalgia for the family farm, the author puts the fair at the center of a critical debate over rural values versus urban ones, scandalous entertainments versus learning and enterprise, and the future of an Iowa that has managed to churn its disagreements into a proud independence of mind and spirit."--Karal Ann Marling,Blue Ribbon: A Social and Pictorial History of the Minnesota State Fair

History of the Iowa State Fair

The University of Iowa Press is proud to present our newest Iowa and the Midwest Experience series title, Carnival in the Countryside: The History of the Iowa State Fair, by Chris Rasmussen.

Praise for Carnival in the Countryside
"Chris Rasmussen's Carnival in the Countryside offers a fascinating saga of one of the most heralded midwestern institutions of our day: the Iowa State Fair and its famous butter cow. Beyond Hollywood's image of a young Pat Boone playing a strapping country boy adrift in Des Moines, beyond a nineteenth-century history that invites nostalgia for the family farm, the author puts the fair at the center of a critical debate over rural values versus urban ones, scandalous entertainments versus learning and enterprise, and the future of an Iowa that has managed to churn its disagreements into a proud independence of mind and spirit."--Karal Ann Marling,Blue Ribbon: A Social and Pictorial History of the Minnesota State Fair

The University of Iowa Press is pleased to announce the winners of the 2014 Iowa Short Fiction Awards. Heather A. Slomski is the winner of the 2014 Iowa Short Fiction Award for her collection The Lovers Set Down Their Spoons. Kathleen Founds's When Mystical Creatures Attack! is the winner of the 2014 John Simmons Short Fiction Award. The recipients were selected by Wells Tower, author of Everything Ravaged, Everything Burned. The University of Iowa Press will publish both collections in the fall of 2014.

About the Authors


After earning her MFA from Western Michigan University, Heather A. Slomski held the Axton Fellowship in Fiction at the University of Louisville. Her work has appeared in TriQuarterly, American Letters & Commentary, Columbia: A Journal of Literature and Art, The Normal School, and elsewhere. A recipient of a Minnesota State Artist Initiative Grant and a Minnesota Emerging Writers' Grant, she currently teaches writing at Concordia College and lives in Moorhead, Minnesota, with her husband, son, and dog.


Kathleen Founds has worked at a nursing home, a phone bank, a South Texas middle school, and a midwestern technical college specializing in truck driving certificates. She got her undergraduate degree at Stanford and her MFA at Syracuse. She teaches social-justice themed English classes at Cabrillo College in Watsonville, California, and writes while her toddler is napping. Her fiction has been published in The Sun, Epiphany, Booth Journal, The MacGuffin, and Stanford Alumni Magazine.