Iowa is home to some very large trees. One Des Moines man equipped with precision instruments and a selfless passion painstakingly documents these giants.

DAVENPORT, IOWA (September 9, 2021) — The Iowa Arborist Association (IAA), with the help of The City of Davenport Forestry Department and Advantage Tree Service, welcomes the Midwest’s best arborists to its annual Tree Climbing Competition (TCC) at Duck Creek Park, 3300 East Locust Street, Davenport, Iowa 52803 on Saturday, September 25.

Scott County's Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle

Our federal government has been taken over by globalist bankers. Our federal government no longer represents the interests of Americans. Elections cannot solve these problems as they are rigged. They have poisoned our air, food, water, medicine, education, media, economy, and culture. I will not belabor these facts. If you don’t already know this, you soon will.

I take these assaults very personally, as you should. As the criminals in our federal government employ you to assist them in our destruction, I must extend an olive branch before it is too late.

The Obama administration has purged the military of any constitutional generals and is now training the military to fight the American citizens. They are militarizing, federalizing, and now globalizing you – the local police – to assist.