In Living Memory and the Iowa Genealogical Society team to preserve valuable ancestral information before it's lost forever. Funeral Program and Memorial Card Collection Drive will be held Thursday, Des Moines, Iowa, February 17, 2014: When you attend a funeral, have you ever thought, "What do I do with the funeral program or memorial card now?" Or have you ever cleaned out someone's home after they have died and found funeral programs and/or memorial cards and wondered what to do with them?

You recognize they are valuable keepsakes so you store them in a drawer or box, but then what? Those programs, cards and obits will often be the only information that is left of those individuals, but only if it is preserved.

This is where In Living Memory and the Iowa Genealogical Society can help. We are asking you to donate the funeral programs, memorial cards, and even obituaries to us. We want to preserve the memory of the deceased as well as the family history for future generations.

If you wish to donate programs, cards and obits please drop them off at the Iowa Genealogical Society on Thursday, February 27 from 10am to 9pm or on Saturday, March 1 from 10am to 4pm. If you prefer to keep your originals, there will be staff on hand during the drive to scan your items.

Funeral programs and/or memorial cards are accepted year round. If you are unable to make your donation during the drive dates, you may drop off your items during normal business hours. You may also mail them to Iowa Genealogical Society.

If you have a large quantity of funeral programs and memorial cards that you would like to keep, we ask that you make a scanning appointment by emailing We also welcome those items that are scanned and emailed to us. We ask that you scan all sides of the funeral program or memorial card and email it to

In Living Memory, ( and the Iowa Genealogical Society ( are collaborating to collect funeral programs and memorial cards from across Iowa. In Living Memory is dedicated to preserving African-American history in Iowa. We accept information for all ethnicities, but want to build up the information we have on African-Americans and other minorities. Iowa Genealogical Society's mission is to create and foster an interest in genealogy and to aid others in researching their family history.

Drop-off location: Iowa Genealogical Society

February 27, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday, March 1, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

628 East Grand Ave

Des Moines, IA 50309



Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Tuesday and Thursday 10:00 am to 9:00 pm