January 30, 2013 - Pittsburgh, PA. - A forum, funded by The John Merck Fund, will take place in San Antonio,
Texas as an important part of the International Annual Conference of the Learning Disabilities Association of
America at the Grand Hyatt San Antonio Hotel on Wednesday, February 13 at 7:00 PM. The session, "Brain
Food: How Nutrition, Chemical Exposures and Genetics Interact, and Steps Schools Can Take to Protect and
Nurture Children's Development" is open to the public.

The important session will focus on the ways nutrition, chemical exposures, and genetic makeup can interact to
affect brain development and learning. Toxicologist, food and nutrition expert and special education teacher,
Renee Dufault, will speak on the latest scientific insights on how food ingredients and chemicals can interact
and lead to adverse health effects. A panel of educators and administrators from the San Antonio area will
respond to the presentation and discuss steps schools and parents can take to help protect and nourish young

The 50th Annual LDA Conference, February 13 - 16, 2013, presents 200 sessions that address early childhood
issues, school and career subjects as well as the latest research in best practices that concern children and adults
with learning disabilities, their parents, teachers and other professionals who support them. Hundreds of
teachers, parents and administrators from Texas and across America will gather conference week to share ideas,
new methods and products (Exhibit Hall). This is a conference where parents, teachers and researchers work

On Saturday morning, February 16, "Finding Your Future: Career Opportunities" will bring mini-sessions and
exhibitors with information on postsecondary education and training to young adults with learning disabilities.
Families will be able to talk to top experts in high school to college transition and look at options and get
information that will help in the planning process.

LDA is a non-profit organization of parents, professionals and adults with learning disabilities providing
support, information, and advocacy on behalf of individuals with learning disabilities.

For further information go to www.ldaamerica.org/conference/index.asp
