DES MOINES –AFSCME Iowa Council 61 is proud to announce its endorsement of Rob Hogg for US Senate. Rob Hogg earned the endorsement of AFSCME because he has a record of being a leader in the fight for mental health services in Iowa, he is an ...

DES MOINES –AFSCME Iowa Council 61 President Danny Homan issued the following response to a statement (see this Radio Iowa story

DES MOINES – On Wednesday, March 9, 2016 at 3:45 PM, AFSCME members and friends will hold a Rally for Staff Safety outside of the Iowa Department of Corrections Central Office in Des Moines (Jesse Parker Building, 510 E 12th St, Des ...


DES MOINES –AFSCME Iowa Council 61 President Danny Homan issued the following statement regarding new information about the escape at the Correctional Release Center at Newton Correctional Facilit...

DES MOINES –AFSCME Iowa Council 61 President Danny Homan issued the following statement regarding the security situation at the Iowa Correctional Institution for Women in Mitchellville:

“On Tuesday, an inmate attacked a member of t...

DES MOINES –AFSCME Iowa Council 61 President Danny Homan issued the following statement regarding the Iowa Senate vote on Senate File 2125, which would halt the Branstad-Reynolds Medicaid outsourcing plan:

“Thank you to the 29 sen...

DES MOINES -AFSCME Iowa Council 61 President Danny Homan issued the following statement regarding the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' (CMS) decision today on the Branstad-Reynolds Medicaid Outsourcing Plan:

"All across Iowa, we have been hearing about the massive confusion that has been caused by Branstad-Reynolds Medicaid Outsourcing Plan. We are pleased that CMS has delayed the implementation of a transition for sixty days; the Branstad-Reynolds Administration is clearly not ready to implement any sort of changes at this time. The Branstad-Reynolds Administration needs to listen to Medicaid consumers. The health care of those counting on Medicaid must come first as CMS continues to evaluate the Branstad-Reynolds plan."


DES MOINES -AFSCME Iowa Council 61 President Danny Homan issued the following statement about the 1st District Department of Correctional Services (covering Allamakee, Black Hawk, Buchanan, Chickasaw, Clayton, Delaware, Dubuque, Fayette, Grundy, Howard, and Winneshiek Counties) failing to cut management perks while proceeding with layoffs:

"1st District Department of Correctional Services Director Karen Herkelman has decided to put excessive perks for management ahead of providing community based corrections services.

"The State Auditor found that 1st District had improperly provided excessive vacation and sick leave benefits to management employees in a manner that violated the Iowa Code. The only reasonable reaction to the Auditor's report is to stop awarding these excessive benefits and remove excessively awarded leave from manager's sick and vacation leave accounts. Instead, Director Herkelman declined to make any changes in management vacation and sick leave perks and proceeded with layoffs.

"The state auditor has said these management perks are improper. Not one penny should be spent on these improper perks; especially when layoffs are occurring.

"Director Herkelman clearly has a conflict of interest. As a management employee, she will benefit financially from these excessive benefits when she retires in the near future if these excessive benefits are not reclaimed before that happens.

"These improprieties must end. In addition to the First District, the Auditor's report also found improper leave for managers was awarded in Districts 5 and 6 and improper classification of managers as field staff occurred in Districts 7 and 8. All of these districts, if they have no done so already, must stop awarding improper leave for managers and revoke leave that was previously issued in an improper manner."


DES MOINES - AFSCME Iowa Council 61 President Danny Homan issued the following statement regarding the State Auditor's report that there are some judicial districts of correctional services that are awarding excessive vacation and sick leave to managers:

"At a time when Iowa's entire correctional system, including our prisons and community based corrections, is severely understaffed, it is highly disturbing to find out about these excessive vacation and sick leave benefits for management employees in some of the judicial district departments of correctional services.

"I want to make it clear that these excessive vacation and sick leave policies benefited only management employees; the employees covered under the AFSCME contract did not receive excessive leave.

"The Auditor found that Districts 1, 5, and 6 had awarded excessive vacation leave to management employees; Districts 1 and 6 had awarded excessive sick leave to management employees; and that Districts 7 and 8 had classified some management employees as field staff, which resulted in excessive vacation leave.

"If they have not already done so, management and the District Boards of Directors should immediately take action to correct their policies and bring them into compliance with state law regarding vacation and sick leave payouts. All excessive vacation and sick leave should be immediately removed from the management employees' vacation and sick leave accounts.

"This situation illustrates the need for complete and full oversight of community based corrections. Clearly, multiple District Directors and management employees have taken advantage of the current weak levels of oversight to inappropriately benefit themselves. Public safety, not padding management employees' benefits, must be the top priority of our community based corrections system. Our Union is ready and eager to assist District Boards of Directors, the Iowa Department of Corrections, and legislators as they examine ways to strengthen oversight of community based corrections."


DES MOINES - AFSCME Iowa Council 61 President Danny Homan issued the following statement about the item-vetoes announced by Governor Branstad today:

"Governor Branstad shamefully announced these disastrous item-vetoes at 4:45 PM on the day before a holiday weekend. He's clearly hoping Iowans will not notice the decisions he has made.

"The governor's decision to veto a bipartisan agreement on Mt. Pleasant and Clarinda Mental Health Institutes harms Iowa's mental health safety net. Patients, their families, legislators, mental health professionals, community leaders, employees, and the public at large all told Governor Branstad to keep these facilities open. The governor simply refused to listen anyone. He ignored both the views of Iowans and the laws of Iowa and decided to close these facilities.

"Governor Branstad has turned his back on Iowa students by item-vetoing funding for school districts, community colleges, and Iowa's public universities. Education is clearly not a priority for this governor.

"These item-vetoes are wrong for those struggling with mental illness, wrong for Iowa's students, and wrong for Iowa."

