Sound and Vision's control roomSound & Vision began as a group of guys searching for a place to practice with and record their bands. Located at 1316 Fourth Avenue in downtown Moline, it now features a recording studio, an art gallery, screen-printing, recording workshops, DJ-ing, and custom speaker cabinets.

"It really started in my dad's basement," said Ray Malone, one of eight contributors, in an interview at the studio. Between then and the current situation, the men rented four different spaces, the last being a two-bedroom house in Davenport. "When we were in a house, the control room was set up on the second floor," Malone said. "We did all of the recording downstairs. There was a lot of going up and down stairs to move a mic an inch."

Adrienne Noelle WergeDescribing For Such a Time as This: Remembering Vietnam, artist Adrienne Noelle Werge said: "I wanted to build an environment in which people can come and meditate ... a space that is really built in such a way as to respect all the sacrifices that are made and all the lives that were touched by the Vietnam war and any war."