ImageIt's time for the voters of Davenport to go to the polls and vote on the Physical Plant and Equipment Levy extension on March 27.  Voters will go to their normal polling location from 7am until 8pm.  With 32 buildings averaging 55 years of age, the school district has an on-going need to invest in preventive maintenance and critical building renovations to meet the needs of students and teachers.  Voting "Yes" will mean the extension of the current PPEL at the same rate of 97 cents per $1000 of assessed property value.  Please note that the school district is NOT asking for an increase in the amount, rather a continuation of the levy for the 10 year period beginning in 2008.  This is NOT a new tax.
 4th Annual Eugene Field Art & Craft Fair

ImageIowa community school districts of Bettendorf, Central Community (DeWitt area), Davenport, Muscatine, North Scott and Pleasant Valley will hold school board elections on Tuesday, September 12th.

For more information, please contact:
Anne Canfield, 816-802-3426

For immediate release

Kansas City Art Institute announces newest graduate

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (June 21, 2006) – The following student from the Davenport area participated in commencement ceremonies May 13 at the Kansas City Art Institute, a four-year college of art and design:

Timothy Dalton of Bettendorf, Iowa, majored in illustration.

The Kansas City Art Institute offers the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in animation, art history, ceramics, fiber, graphic design, interdisciplinary arts, new media, painting, photography, print making, sculpture and studio art with an emphasis in creative writing. Accredited by the North Central Association of the Higher Learning Commission and by the National Association of Schools of Art and Design, KCAI was founded in 1885. Notables who have studied at KCAI include painter Robert Rauschenberg, ceramist Akio Takamori and graphic designers April Greiman and Keith Jacobshagen. For more information, visit KCAI on the Web at



4415 Warwick Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64111


{mosimage} PRESS RELEASE Hamilton Technical College expands its Electronics Engineering Technology facility and is offering a new program in Medical Insurance/Coding. DAVENPORT, IOWA - May 31, 2006 - Hamilton Technical College announces today the expansion of the Electronics Engineering Technology Program with the addition of a new Advanced Electronics Training Center on the campus at 1011 East 53rd Street in Davenport.

The foundation of Hamilton Technical College for the last 37 years has been the Electronics Engineering Technology Program. Through the years the Electronics program has grown from an Associates Degree to offering a Bachelors degree. This fall Hamilton Technical College is unveiling the new Advanced Electronics Training Center on campus. This center will house the digital and industrial electronics laboratories and classrooms with the addition of two new Fanuc robots and a 3 dimensional lathe. This center will bring newer technology and learning resources to our Associates and Bachelor students.

In addition to the expansion of the Electronics program facilities, Hamilton Technical College is pleased to announce the addition of the Medical/Insurance Coding Specialist Program along side our highly successful Medical Assisting Program. The first class for the Medical/Insurance Coding Specialist Program begins on June 29, 2006.

Hamilton Technical College is proud to have been part of so many people's lives in the Quad Cities and surrounding area. As we celebrate our accomplishments for the last 37 years, we are keeping our eyes keenly on the future educational needs of our community.

To find out more about the Electronics Engineering Technology Program, Medical Assisting Program or the NEW Medical/ Insurance Coding Specialist Program at Hamilton Technical College please call 563-386-3570 or visit us on the web at:

Hamilton Technical College in Davenport, Iowa has been serving the Quad Cities and surrounding area since 1969. Hamilton Technical College is an educational institution which:

  • Strives for excellence in technical training programs.
  • Is committed to providing equal access to all students, faculty, staff, and visitors to the rights, privileges, programs, opportunities, and facilities generally available at the college.
  • Does not discriminate against academically qualified students in admissions or the administration of any of its educational policies or programs on the basis of : sex, age, race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, creed, or disability.
  • Is an equal opportunity Affirmative Action Employer and complies with all applicable laws and regulations, including Title IX Educational Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and Titles I and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Hamilton Technical College

1011 East 53rd Street

Davenport, IA 52807

Phone: 563-386-3570

Fax: 563-386-6756

