Get ready for Ames!
The Ames Straw Poll is right around the corner

The rise in both temperature and humidity coupled with increasingly frequent visits from Presidential candidates can only mean one thing, the Iowa GOP's Ames Straw Poll is quickly approaching. I am excited to report that we are working tirelessly to make sure this year's Straw Poll is the most successful, fair and fun straw poll to date.

Earlier this month, the State Central Committee passed draft rules that will help ensure the integrity of the voting process and will be consistent with the procedures followed by your local County Auditors. Additionally, we will be reducing the price of admission for the event. I view the Straw Poll as an asset for Presidential campaigns to measure their organizational strength and as a party building event. Through offering discounted prices, more families and political newcomers will attend the event and help our party grow.

Demand Accountability from Senate Democrats
Call Senator Gronstal and ask that he get serious about the budget

Last week, Senate Democrats lead by Mike Gronstal launched a budget campaign tour in the middle of the legislative session. To think that Senate Democrats can speak with any credibility on the state budget is laughable. Senator Gronstal's use of budget gimmickry created a $900 million dollar hole in state budget last year. In calling for a compromise, he is pushing for business as usual which Iowans rejected last November. Governor Branstad and Legislative Republicans are working on a transparent and common-sense budget and will not compromise our state's fiscal future in order maintain Senate Democrats appetite for deficit spending.

Senate Democrats have willingly ignored the mandate of last November. I encourage you to remind them of the message you sent with your ballot by calling Gronstal at 515-281-4610 and asking him to get serious about the budget.

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