There have been rumors circulating through social media and chain e-mails claiming that our troops overseas are no longer receiving hot meals for breakfast or midnight 4th meal. Some claim it's due to budget cuts, others say it's logistics, but the rumors are flying that troops are only getting lunch and dinner provided.
January 15, 2013
Posted by Steve Weigand
"An Internet rumor that American troops in Afghanistan no longer get breakfast has prompted a response from the Pentagon via Twitter.
A chain email says the last-minute deal Congress passed to avoid the so-called "fiscal cliff" also denies breakfast to troops in Afghanistan.
The email garnered enough attention that rumor-debunking site picked up on it and rated the email "partly true" since some bases stopped serving hot breakfasts as they get ready for the drawdown."
The DoD has tried to fight the rumors by reassuring people through their twitter feed, that troops are getting 4 meals a day, but even according to the DoD's best spin, they're saying two of those meals are MRE rations.
Our troops deserve better.
If you think our troops deserve better, how about sending a care package filled with GOOD tasting food that's also portable, like powdered Gatorade or hot cocoa that can easily be mixed in minutes, or cookies and beef jerky that stay safe and delicious for weeks.