PORT BYRON, Ill. – Reaffirming his commitment to protecting the Second Amendment rights of local residents and fighting overly restrictive legislation out of Chicago, state Rep. Mike Smiddy (D-Hillsdale) is hosting two concealed carry permit classes on Sunday, June 2 at the Cordova Civic Center located at 910 3rd
Avenue S. in Cordova, with the first class from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and the second class from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

"As the legislature drags its feet on passing strong concealed carry legislation that respects the rights of gun owners, residents can get a head start on applying for a carry permit that is valid in every state that borders Illinois," Smiddy said. "Chicago gun-grabbers are losing the fight on concealed and carry, so they're trying another gun restriction by banning certain firearm magazines -- we won't let them. They will continue trying to take away the guns of law-abiding citizens and I will continue fighting them tooth and nail."

These classes are taught by SAFE Gun Permits, LLC, who will take the necessary photographs, fingerprint
students, and mail the student applications after the course is completed. Students will be eligible for a concealed carry license through the State of Utah. The Utah license is recognized in Utah and 30 other
states, including every state that borders Illinois.

Smiddy is a vocal gun rights advocate and a sponsor of concealed carry legislation that respects gun owners' rights, Senate Bill 2193, which passed the House overwhelmingly. Smiddy is opposing a new highly restrictive measure introduced in the Illinois Senate that would prevent many law-abiding gun owners from carrying in public and create burdensome, extensive gun-free zones throughout the state.

"I am opposing all proposed concealed carry legislation that makes it difficult for gun owners to obtain a permit and legally carry," said Smiddy. "This new Senate plan creates a patchwork of localized concealed carry laws so confusing that it would be impossible for gun owners to obtain a permit and legally carry as they travel throughout the state. Illinois and its law-abiding citizens do not want a watered-down, ineffective bill passed in Springfield."

The fee for the concealed carry permit classes is $100 plus a $51 processing fee to the State of Utah.

Residents can sign up online at www.safegunpermits.com/classes. For more information, contact Smiddy's office at RepSmiddy@gmail.com, (309) 848-9098, or toll free at (855) 243-4988.


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