Figures released by Iowa Workforce Development show 1,600 lost jobs in March. Branstad and Republican Legislators are not doing enough to help Iowans seeking work

DES MOINES - Progress Iowa issued the following statement today in response to jobs figures released by the Iowa Workforce Development this morning, which showed Iowa losing 1,600 jobs in March 2012:


"Today's report showing the loss of 1,600 jobs proves that Terry Branstad and Iowa House Republicans are nowhere near meeting Branstad's promise of creating 200,000 jobs," said Matt Sinovic, Executive Director of Progress Iowa. "While the rest of the country is putting people back to work, Terry Branstad and House Republicans are making it harder for Iowans to find work."

"The latest job figures show that Iowa is 31,267 jobs behind where it should be to be on pace to meet the jobs promise. Branstad promised to create 200,000 jobs over five years and should have created almost 47,000 jobs already. Terry Branstad and Iowa House Republicans need to stop making the problem worse by decimating workforce services and start investing in Iowa's workers."


"Out-of-work Iowans need the closed workforce centers to reopen so they can receive quality face-to-face job search assistance. Iowa Republican legislators need to stop destroying jobs by proposing budget cuts that slash vital public services. Because of Terry Branstad and Republican legislators' poor leadership, Iowa is not seeing the full benefit of the national economic recovery."



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