???"Women Speak Out: Abortion is Not Health Care" Travels through Five Swing States

Washington, D.C. ? Today, the Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List) announced a five state "Women Speak Out: Abortion is Not Health Care" bus tour through swing states, August 20 to 30.  The bus tour will draw attention to President Obama's extreme record on abortion and be led by former Colorado Rep. Marilyn Musgrave and pro-life nurse and whistleblower Jill Stanek, who exposed then state-senator Barack Obama's refusal to protect live children who survived the abortion procedure.

The bus tour will travel to 30 cities throughout the key swing states of Iowa, Wisconsin, Ohio, Virginia, and Florida.  National and local pro-life women leaders will call for the defeat of President Obama and pro-abortion House and Senate candidates including Christie Vilsack (IA), Tammy Baldwin (WI), Sherrod Brown (OH), Tim Kaine (VA), and Bill Nelson (FL). A tentative schedule is available at www.SBAbus.com

Local and statewide pro-life women leaders will join up with the bus at various stops, including: Iowa Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds, Wisconsin Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch, Rep. Jean Schmidt (OH-02), Dr. Alveda C. King, Star Parker, Polly Jordan, wife of Rep. Jim Jordan (OH-04), and Melissa Ohden, pro-life speaker and abortion survivor.

"President Obama began his term in office speaking about 'common ground' on the abortion issue, however, Obama has repeatedly shown that there are no limits to his abortion extremism.  From expanding taxpayer funding of abortion under the guise of 'health care', to forcing taxpayers to underwrite the nation's #1 abortion business, Planned Parenthood, refusing to defend baby girls from the deadly discrimination of sex-selective abortion, to exporting taxpayer funding of abortion overseas, President Obama's record on abortion is nothing but extreme," said Marjorie Dannenfelser, President of the Susan B. Anthony List. "President Obama and his team of fellow abortion extremists in Congress do not represent the interests of American women and families. We aim to see them defeated come November."

"President Obama's extremism on abortion is completely out of line with mainstream Americans. As an Illinois state senator, Barack Obama refused to protect born children who survived the abortion procedure, preferring to allow them to die abandoned in hospital closets" said Jill Stanek, nurse turned pro-life activist who witnessed newborn babies left to die at Christ Hospital in Illinois. "Americans deserve to know that President Obama has no limits when it comes to abortion before heading to the ballot box in November."

For a complete list of bus tour co-sponsors, tour schedule, as well as to learn more about President Obama's record on abortion, visit www.SBAbus.com

The Susan B. Anthony List, and its connected Political Action Committee, the SBA List Candidate Fund, are dedicated to electing candidates and pursuing policies that will reduce and ultimately end abortion. To that end, the SBA List will emphasize the election, education, promotion, and mobilization of pro-life women.


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