(DES MOINES) - Governor Branstad's office will hold a public hearing to gather information and public sentiment regarding the Board of Parole's positive recommendation on Rasberry Williams' application for commutation.
The governor requested the public hearing in a letter to the Iowa Board of Parole. View the letter here.
The hearing will be held, and public comment received, at the Black Hawk County Courthouse from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 27, 2013.
The purpose of the hearing is to seek information about how the crime impacted the victims and the community, whether Mr. Williams has changed while incarcerated, any and all safety concerns from victims and members of the community, and any other relevant information.
Information on the public hearing is as follows:
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
1 p.m. Public hearing to gather information and public sentiment regarding the Board of Parole's positive recommendation on Rasbery Williams' application for commutation
Black Hawk County Courthouse
316 E. 5th St.
Waterloo, IA
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