SPRINGFIELD - April 2, 2014. Lt. Governor Sheila Simon issued the following statement supporting school funding reform legislation announced by state Sen. Andy Manar (D-Bunker Hill) on Wednesday.
"The School Funding Reform Act of 2014 is an important step toward a more equitable education system. By creating a single funding formula, we can help direct state dollars to the students who need it most.
"Our current system is outdated and unfair. Education in Illinois should not have winners and losers. The education you receive shouldn't depend on where you live. From big cities to small rural towns, all students should have the opportunity to receive a first-rate education in Illinois.
"I commend Sen. Manar and members of the bipartisan Education Funding Advisory Committee (EFAC) for their dedication, patience and drive to create a fair funding system through Senate Bill 16. I am excited to work with legislators and the governor to pass this landmark legislation."
Simon urged state leaders to overhaul the way schools are funded in Illinois during the final hearing of the Education Funding Advisory Committee in January. Simon testified that the current formula was hurting rural and high-poverty districts and should be changed. Simon serves as the state's point person on education reform. In this capacity, Simon is working to increase the proportion of working-age adults with college degrees or certificates to 60 percent by 2025. As chair of the 25-member Governor's Rural Affairs Council, Simon is also working to improve the delivery of state services and education opportunities to rural Illinois.