In the Matter of Adoption of New Forms for Dissolutions of Marriage with no Minor Children (November 6, 2013) |
Order (60 kb) |
In the Matter of Interim Rules to Govern the use of the Electronic Document Management System (October 22, 2013) |
Supervisory Order (66 kb) |
In the Matter of the New Rule of Juvenile Procedure (October 16, 2013) |
Juvenile Procedure 8.36 |
Order (125 kb) |
In the Matter of Amendments to Iowa Court Rules Regulating Admission to the Bar (August 22, 2013) |
Effective immediately |
Order (25 kb) |
In the Matter of Adoption of Clarifying Comments (June 13, 2013) |
Iowa Rule of Professional Conduct 32:1.13 Effective immediately |
Order (61 kb) |
In the Matter of Iowa Court Rules New Chapter 26 (June 4, 2013) |
Rules for Installment Payment Plans and Other Court Collection Activities Effective July 1, 2013 |
Order (253 kb) |
In the Matter of Amendments to Iowa Court Rules Chapter 9 (May 9, 2013) |
Child Support Guidelines Effective July 1, 2013 |
Order (69 kb) |
In the Matter of Amendments to Rules of Appellate Procedure and Organization and Procedures of Appellate Courts in Chapters 6 and 21 of the Iowa Court Rules (March 5, 2013) |
The Iowa Supreme Court has approved rules governing electronic appellate processes. The rules, to be contained in the Chapter 16 court rules pertaining to EDMS, are prospective only. The court will announce an effective date for the rules and for implementation of electronic filing in the appellate courts at a later date. |
Order (63 kb) |
In the Matter of Amendments to Rules of Appellate Procedure and Organization and Procedures of Appellate Courts in Chapters 6 and 21 of the Iowa Court Rules (March 5, 2013) |
The Iowa Supreme Court has amended the rules of appellate procedure contained in chapter 6 of the Iowa Court Rules and has rescinded and rewritten the rules governing the organization and procedures of appellate courts contained in Chapter 21 of the Iowa Court Rules. Effective May 3, 2013 |
Order (74 kb) |
In the Matter of Adoption of an Emeritus Pro Bono Practice Rule (March 1, 2013) |
The Iowa Supreme Court has adopted an emeritus pro bono practice rule (Iowa Court Rule 31.19) that encourages retired or retiring Iowa attorneys, including attorneys licensed in other states, to provide volunteer legal services on behalf of legal aid organizations serving low income persons in Iowa. Effective immediately |
Order and Rule Amendments (323 kb) |
In the Matter of New Rule of Civil Procedure (December 6, 2012) |
The Iowa Supreme Court has approved the addition of rule 1.1702 to the Iowa Rules of Civil Procedure providing a uniform process for interstate depositions and discovery. |
Supervisory Order (157 kb) |
In the Matter of Iowa Court Rule 31.16 (Sept. 13, 2012) |
Registration of House Counsel Effective immediately |
Order (49 kb) |
In the Matter of Standard Forms of Pleadings for Small Claims Actions (Sept. 13, 2012) |
Chapter 3 of the Iowa Court Rules -- Form 3.27:Verification of Account Effective immediately |
Order (90 kb) |
In the Matter of Amendments to the Iowa Court Rules Governing Lawyer Advertising (August 28, 2012) |
Effective January 1, 2013 |
Order and Chapter 32 (1114 kb) |
In the Matter of Amendments to Iowa Court Rules 35.17 and 42.1 (August 24, 2012) |
Effective immediately |
Order, Rule 35.17 and 42.1 (66 kb) |
In the Matter of Amendment of Iowa Court Rule 35.1 (August 24, 2012) |
Effective immediately |
Order, Rule 35.1 (56 kb) |
In the Matter of Amendments to Rules of Appellate Procedure (May 21, 2012) |
6.1005 Regarding Frivolous Appeals and Withdrawal of Counsel (Including Related Changes to Other Rules) Effective immediately |
Order (147 kb) |
In the Matter of Standard Forms of Pleadings for Small Claims Actions (May 7, 2012) |
Chapter 3 of the Iowa Court Rules is rescinded effective July 1, 2012, and revised Chapter 3 is adopted. Until July 1, 2012, parties may use either the current pleadings forms or the new pleadings forms. |
Order (129 kb) |
In the Matter of Amendments to Iowa Court Rules Regulating the Practice of Law (May 2, 2012) |
Amendments concerning the attorney disciplinary process, client trust account reconciliation and record retention procedures, continuing legal education, and the bar exam. Amended effective immediately |
Nunc Pro Tunc (59 kb) |
In the Matter of Amendments to Iowa Court Rule 32:7.4 (March 12, 2012) |
The Court adds Veterans Law to the list of fields of practice and specialization. |
Order (80 kb) |
Iowa Courts Rules |
The Chief Justice has signed a supplemental order specifying the effective date of the amendment to Rule 41.3(2) |
Supplemental Order (35 kb) |
Iowa Court Rules (February 20, 2012) |
Amendments concerning the attorney disciplinary process, client trust account reconciliation and record retention procedures, continuing legal education, and the bar exam. Amended effective immediately |
Order (183 kb) |