CHICAGO- December 28, 2012. Governor Pat Quinn today took action on the following bills:


Bill No.: SB 551

An Act Concerning: Local Government

Transfers the Salem Armory to the City of Salem by clarifying that the new Readiness Center will be in the City of Mt. Vernon.

Action: Signed

Effective Date: June 1, 2013.


Bill No.: SB 678

An Act Concerning: Regulation

Extends the sunset date of Section 2.5 of the Illinois Plumbing License Law to January 1, 2014.

Action: Signed

Effective Date: Immediately


Bill No.: SB 2915

An Act Concerning: Regulation

Extends the sunset date of the Medical Practice Act to December 31, 2013.

Action: Signed

Effective Date: Immediately


Bill No.: SB 2936

An Act Concerning: Regulation

Extends the sunset of The Dietetic and Nutrition Services Practice Act to January 1, 2023; changes name of the Act to The Dietitian Nutritionist Practice Act; creates an alternative path to licensure for nutritionists; and revises the composition of the Dietitian Nutritionist Practice Board.

Action: Signed

Effective Date: Immediately


Bill No.: SB 3245

An Act Concerning: Government

Exempts unclaimed property vouchers from the requirement that vouchers under five dollars be paid through an electronic funds transfer and outlines local government financial reporting requirements.

Action: Signed

Effective Date: Immediately


Bill No.: SB 3430

An Act Concerning: State Government

Extends the authority of Central Management Services to administer the workers' compensation liability program for an additional six months to allow for transition to a third-party administrator.

Action: Signed

Effective Date: Immediately


Bill No.: SB 3498

An Act Concerning: State Government

Extends grants and grant-making authority under the Illinois Grant Funds Recovery Act through June 30, 2013.

Action: Signed

Effective Date: Immediately




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