(DES MOINES) - Today, Gov. Terry E. Branstad issued a proclamation of disaster emergency for five additional counties in response to recent storms and flooding.
The governor declared a disaster in Appanoose, Lee, Muscatine, Wayne and Webster counties. In addition, the governor has activated the Iowa Individual Assistance Program in Fayette and Muscatine counties.
The Iowa Individual Assistance Program provides grants of up to $5,000 for home or car repairs, replacement of clothing or food, and for the expense of temporary housing. Original receipts are required for those seeking reimbursement for actual expenses related to storm recovery. The grant application and instructions are available at the "Disaster Assistance" link on the Iowa Department of Human Services website: www.dhs.iowa.gov.
For a list of counties that have received governor's proclamations in the aftermath of the storms and flooding that began May 19, visit www.homelandsecurity.iowa.gov.
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