Biden's Trip Focused on Outreach to Veterans and Military Families
DES MOINES - On Thursday and Friday, Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, son of Vice President Joe Biden, will campaign for President Obama in Iowa. He will lay out the differences between President Obama and Mitt Romney's plans for veterans and their families. Biden is a major in the Delaware Army National Guard and was deployed to Iraq in 2008.
The President knows that sacred trust we have with those who serve and protect our nation. It's a commitment that begins at enlistment, and it must never end -- we owe our veterans and their families the care they were promised and the benefits they have earned.
July is Veterans for Obama Month, which was announced during the launch of the Veterans & Military Families for Obama Steering Committee on July 2.
Thursday, July 19
1:30 PM
WHAT: Iowa Veterans for Obama Meet and Greet with Attorney General Beau Biden
WHERE: Iowa Veterans Home, Malloy Leisure Resource Center, 1301 Summit St., Marshalltown, IA
5:45 PM
WHAT: Des Moines Veterans Meet and Greet with Attorney General Beau Biden
WHERE: Plumbers & Steamfitters Local Union 33, 2501 Bell Avenue. Des Moines, IA
Friday, July 20
WHAT: Friday Details to be Determined