COAL VALLEY, ILLINOIS (August 9, 2024) — On Friday, September 13, the Zoo will host our biggest fundraiser of the year, Pints for Preservation. This year, the proceeds will go toward finishing the cat habitats that were destroyed during the CAT-astrophe from the storms earlier in 2024. The large cat exhibits will be completed in late 2024 and the Pallas' Cat (featured in the image above) will be constructed in 2025.
In order to transform the Zoo into the social venue of the season for adults, we will need many volunteers to help set up, welcome guests, distribute materials, and operate drink stations throughout the night. Each volunteer will receive a Pints for Preservation t-shirt to wear during the event featuring the image above.
Volunteer Positions:
- Set up (11AM-3PM) — Eight needed
- Pourer (4:30-10:30PM) — Forty needed
- Greeters — Check ID and give wristbands (5-10:30PM) — Four needed
- Distribution — Passports, Glasses (5-9:30PM) — Four needed
- Shirt Sales — (5-10PM) — Four needed
All Volunteers must attend an on-line orientation and send in completed documentation.
Gather your own team as you can register up to four people at a time to volunteer using the link below. If you know other friends who would like to help with this special event, please contact us at jvanderbush@niabizoo.com with an e-mail to send the registration link as we will need many volunteers.