Democracy Under Attack is a project of the Unity Coalition for Israel. The national membership has become deeply concerned watching the inroads made by proponents of Shariah law. Gradual introduction of restrictions on the freedoms America and other democracies enjoy through our constitutional guarantees is taking place.

This apprehension is reflected in the groups' wish to determine and measure the extent to which lawmakers are familiar with this encroaching threat to our liberties. It seems increasingly apparent that decision-makers are being asked to make a choice: whether or not to compromise the Constitution by accommodating Shariah law, thereby forfeiting many of our liberties.

The organization feels that a most important question must be asked of all legislators, and especially of the new Supreme Court nominee, Elana Kagan: "What is your opinion of the role of Shariah law in the United States, specifically in relation to our Constitution?

In order to accomplish this the UCI and DUA organizations are sending a questionnaire to all members of the Congress, and asking legislators to address the same question to Ms. Kagan. This question is on the docket for today's Senate Hearings for the Supreme Court appointment.

The question is urgent because Shariah law has already pervaded Britain and poses an imminent threat to the United States. It threatens the basic rights of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and greatly limits women's rights. Honor killings, mutilation of limbs, and female genital mutilation are routine. Shariah compliant finance is practiced by more that 300 national banks in the United States alone. Some proponents have even said they would like to see the establishment of the Caliphate (a centralized governance under a single Islamic leader). Throughout the United States as well at throughout the rest of the world many advances in this direction have already taken hold.

Michigan and Pennsylvania are two Shariah targeted states, as is New York with the controversy over the 15 story mosque being built at ground zero. A bill has recently been introduced by Rep. Rex Duncan in the Oklahoma state legislature to prevent Shariah law from being introduced and enforced in that state. Many feel that this will serve as a guide for other states to follow.

The opinions of our legislators are critical in formulating a position that will guide US policy in the years to come. Our coalition members agree that when one compares the traditions of Western thought and the development of freedom and human rights the conflict between Shariah and Western legal tradition becomes immediately apparent. The foundation of our nation is based on the notion of religious freedom and the firm establishment of the concept of other guaranteed freedoms as an overarching goal. The very first line of the First Amendment of the US Constitution is clear: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..."

We feel that to attempt to reconcile any one political/religious system of law with the Constitutional framework of the United States would be contrary to these concepts and would be Unconstitutional. To allow one political/religious system to gain an advantage by introducing its structure of laws into the Constitutional system of the United States, or by replacing portions of it altogether, would result in the worst kind of abrogation of both the spirit and the letter of Constitutional law.

The legislators responses will become a matter of public record and appear on our website, in the section called "Shariah Scoreboard." We feel that this is an issue central to the future of our country, and will be extremely relevant to voters in the November 2nd election.

The Unity Coalition for Israel (UCI) is comprised of more than 200 Jewish and Christian organizations representing millions of Americans. Since 1991 they have been active in supporting freedom in the US and Israel.

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