Friday, December 23, 2011, 2:00 PM Intersection of Kimberly Road and Brady Street
It's time to get out there and raise public awareness about Ron Paul. Come on out and show your enthusiasm for our man. We'll do some sign waving at a busy intersection and also hand out literature and talk to people at the Northpark Mall.
We have the momentum but we can't let up now! Let's take Ron Paul over the top to a landslide victory! We can fire the shot heard round the world!
Intersection of Kimberly Road and Brady Street 2-6 PM We'll bring signs but bring your own if you have one. After it gets dark we'll move over to the mall and distribute literature and talk to shoppers. Let's be the friendly face of the Ron Paul movement....wear a Santa Hat if you have one. This will be fun! RSVP via email or HERE:http://www.meetup.com/ RonPaul2012DavenportIA/events/ 45284682/
Call Steven at 323-804-7206 or Todd McGreevy 563-650-0120
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