CORALVILLE, IOWA (April 29, 2024) — With just one week until Walk, Bike, and Roll to School Day on May 8th, excitement is building across Iowa. Over forty schools have already registered to take part in this vital initiative that encourages students, parents, and teachers to engage in active transportation on their way to school. The great news is that it’s not too late for your school to join this growing movement.
This annual event, dedicated to promoting healthier, more sustainable communities, has seen a significant increase in participation this year. Schools across Iowa are gearing up to showcase the benefits of walking, biking, and rolling to school, including reduced traffic congestion and pollution, enhanced community connections, and improved health and well-being for students and families alike.
There is still time to register your school and plan your event. Whether it's organizing a walking school bus, setting up bike safety checks, or coordinating with local traffic authorities for safer routes, every school can participate and make an impact. "This event is a fantastic opportunity for schools to promote a healthy lifestyle and sustainable habits among students while also enjoying the fun of an event that brings the community together," said Matt Burkey, Iowa Safe Routes to School Coordinator for the Iowa Bicycle Coalition.
To register your school for Walk, Bike, and Roll to School Day, please visit walkbiketoschool.org/registration. By participating, schools will not only contribute to a worthy cause but will also receive support and resources to ensure a successful and impactful event.
Don't miss this opportunity to be part of a statewide movement that's setting the tone for a healthier, more connected, and sustainable future. If you do register, please contact us because we will be celebrating all the participants this year. Once registered we'll help you plan a route, design a poster, and social media posts. Feel free to reach out with questions to matt@iowabike.org.