MOLINE, ILLINOIS (October 19, 2022) — Jenelle Wolber, Director, Business and Economic Growth Services for the Quad Cities Chamber, was recently certified as an Economic Development Finance Professional (EDFP) by the National Development Council (NDC).
EDFP Certification is a professional credential given to individuals who successfully complete NDC’s intensive economic-development finance-training series. The training provides individuals working in economic development with instruction in business credit-analysis, real-estate financing, loan packaging, deal-structuring and -negotiating, and the creation and implementation of development programs.
Wolber is the Chamber’s lead for Business and Economic Growth projects. She works closely with QC and prospective businesses, ensuring they understand the benefits their projects will have on the region and know about all financial assistance opportunities. She joined the Chamber as an Economic Development intern in April 2011 and following graduation from Augustana College, became the Chamber’s Research and Technology Coordinator.
She gained project management experience, managed land-assets and site-certifications, and conducted wage and benefit surveys for industrial partners while working for the Clinton Regional Development Corporation in Clinton, Iowa. She returned to the Chamber in February 2019.
In addition to the EDFP certification, Wolber also is a 2015 graduate of the University of Oklahoma Economic Development Institute.
About the National Development Council
NDC’s work focuses on homes, jobs, and community. Founded as a national non-profit in 1969, NDC has worked for 46 years at fulfilling its mission to increase the flow of capital for investment in low-income communities. NDC directs capital to support the preservation and creation of affordable housing, the creation of jobs through training and small-business lending, and the promotion of livable communities through investment in social infrastructure. NDC’s products and services are deployed for the benefit of our municipal and non-profit partners in both urban and rural low-income communities.
NDC has provided training to over 70,000 professionals working in the fields of economic and housing development. Participants come from diverse backgrounds including city and state governments, public agencies, community-based organizations, professional organizations, and banks.