12-1:30 pm, $20 per person
Lunch catered by: Happy Joe's Pizza & Ice Cream Parlor
Regardless of how your current job may be affected by the downturn in the economy, now might be the best time to fuel up for a new start. You have skills which have served you well in the past, but now you may feel like you're headed into uncharted territory. Area community colleges and local job placement resources can help you find your way.
The topic for the Knowledge at Noon on March 16 hosted by the Eastern Iowa Community College District and Scott Community College will be "Strength Finders", a program that focuses on resources for building job skills, assessing career goals, and surviving a tough job economy. Presenters will be staff members from Scott Community College's Job Placement Office and Iowa at Work. Information will be provided on career training options, financial aid for college (YES, there is aid available!) as well as job search skills in a networked world, interviewing techniques, and other tips on preparing yourself for a changing job market.
The session will be held in the Student Life Center at Scott Community College, 500 Belmont Road in Bettendorf, Iowa. Please enter through Door #5 or Door #6. The Student Life Center is Room 2300 on the main floor.
Call 355-4753 or email bev.ricketts@bettendorfchamber.com for reservations.