June 28
Scott County Extension Council Meeting at the Extension Office
July 1
Pesticide Applicator Testing
10am-2pm at the Extension Office
July 26
Scott County Extension Council Meeting at the Extension Office
August 5
Pesticide Applicator Testing
10am-2pm at the Extension Office
August 23
Scott County Extension Council Meeting at the Extension Office
September 2
Pesticide Applicator Testing
10am-2pm at the Extension Office
September 27
Scott County Extension Council Meeting at the Extension Office
Aquatic, Forest and Roadside Pest Management CIC, $35 if registered by 9/28/11, after that $45
At the Scott County Extension Office, 9am-11:30am
October 7
Pesticide Applicator Testing10am-2pm at the Extension Office
October 25
Scott County Extension Council Meeting at the Extension Office
October 27
Mosquito & Public Health Pest Management CIC, $35 if registered by 10/20/11, after that $45
At the Scott County Extension Office, 9am-11:30am
November 4
Pesticide Applicator Testing
10am-2pm at the Extension Office
November 9
Ornamental & Turf Applicators CIC, $35 if registered by 11/2/11, after that $45
At the Scott County Extension Office, 1:30pm-4pm
November 16
Commercial Ag Weed, Insect, and Plant Disease Management CIC, $35 if registered by 11/9/11, after that
$45, at the Scott County Extension Office, 9am-11:30am
November 29
Fumigation CIC, $35 if registered by 11/22/11, after that $45, at the Scott County Extension Office,
December 2
Pesticide Applicator Testing
10am-2pm at the Extension Office
December 7
Pest Control Operators CIC, $35 if registered by 11/30/11, after that $45, at the Scott County Extension
Office, 9am-11:30am
Visit our events calendar at our web site: http://dbs.extension.iastate.edu/calendar/