DES MOINES, IOWA (April 29, 2019) — Iowans can now pay multiple fees on multiple cases with a single payment using the new shopping-cart feature on Iowa Courts Online. Previously, users were required to make separate payments for each individual fine or fee.
Iowa Courts Online ( is a popular method for people to search online for filings in Iowa court-cases. People can also use it to search for the court fees and fines associated with each case. Anyone can use the Trial Court Case Search to find an outstanding court fine or fee by typing the full name of a party to the case into the search fields.
“The new shopping cart feature for Iowa Courts Online allows anyone owing the courts to pay multiple fines or fees such as a court-cost and a speeding ticket in one transaction, similar to making multiple online-purchases using an e-commerce shopping website,” State Court Administrator Todd Nuccio said. “A person can pay court-costs, fines, surcharges, and other court-related debt. It is a more effective and efficient way to collect court-debt while providing better customer-service to Iowans.”
Iowa Courts Online is the most frequently-visited state-government website with more than 538 million annual page-views.