JOHNSTON, IOWA (February 23, 2024) — The Iowa Corn Growers Association (ICGA) welcomes EPA’s final decision on access to year-round E15 for Midwest states and applauds Governor Reynolds for leading this effort alongside ICGA. In early March of 2023, the EPA delayed the implementation of a plan, created by a group of bipartisan Midwest Governors, including Gov Reynolds, that would allow for the sale of E15 year-round in each respective state until April of 2024. On Thursday, February 22, the Environmental Protection Agency announced that it will grant the request beginning in the summer of 2025.
“We are very appreciative for all Gov Reynolds has done in leading the charge for access to higher blends of ethanol at the pump. With the EPA’s official ruling we can ensure all consumers across the state can save money and utilize products we grow right here in Iowa,” said Jolene Riessen a farmer from Ida Grove and Iowa Corn Growers Association President. “ICGA will continue to advocate alongside the National Corn Growers Association and our biofuels partners for a solution to the 2024 driving season to provide drivers access to E15, the more affordable fuel by fifteen to sixteen cents a gallon. Uninterrupted access to E15 year-round is vital for consumers and farmers alike.”
To read the full statement by the Environmental Protection Agency, click here.
The Iowa Corn Growers Association (ICGA) is a 7,000-member strong grassroots-driven organization, headquartered in Johnston, Iowa, serving members across the state, and lobbying on agricultural issues on behalf of its farmer members to create opportunities for long-term Iowa corn-grower profitability. For more information, visit iowacorn.org.