DES MOINES, IA (02/18/2011)(readMedia)-- College-bound Iowa youth active in 4-H and/or FFA livestock projects and current undergraduate students may apply for $75,000 in scholarships available from the Iowa Foundation for Agricultural Advancement (IFAA).
The scholarships are available to freshmen entering any Iowa two- or four-year post-secondary institution this fall or current undergraduates attending Iowa State University. Applicants must major in animal science or a curriculum in agriculture or human sciences that is related to the animal industry, according to IFAA spokesman Harold Hodson. The awards include :
• Three $5,500 one-year scholarships
• Two $5,000 one-year scholarships
• One $3,000 one-year scholarship
• One $2,500 one-year scholarships
• Eight $2,000 one-year scholarships
• Six $1,500 one-year scholarships
• Sixteen $1,000 one-year scholarships
• Four $500 one-year scholarships
Applications and additional information are available by visiting the Sale of Champions section of the Iowa State Fair's web site (, the IFAA web site (, or by calling 515/291-3941. Selection will be based on level of 4-H/FFA involvement in livestock project work, livestock exhibition and/or judging, scholarship, leadership and career plans. Applications for current undergraduate students must be postmarked by April 1, 2011 and applications for incoming freshmen must be postmarked by May 1, 2011. All materials should be sent to Winner's Circle Scholarship, c/o SGI, 30805 595th Avenue, Cambridge, IA 50046.
Winners will be announced during the Iowa State Fair's annual 4-H/FFA Sale of Champions on August 20th, an event sponsored by IFAA. The IFAA is a non-profit organization founded in 1988. It is comprised of agricultural enthusiasts dedicated to encouraging 4-H and FFA livestock, poultry and agricultural project members to pursue ag-related careers. IFAA scholarship funds come from a percentage of Sale of Champions proceeds, as well as Winner's Circle Club donations.
"Nothing Compares" to the 2011 Iowa State Fair, celebrating 100 years of the Butter Cow August 11-21. For more information, call 800/545-FAIR or visit
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