Alternatives for the Older Adult to host national satellite broadcast:

"Health Implications of Caregiving"

WHAT: Alternatives for the Older Adult will host this live videoconference to educate caregivers and caregiver agencies/supporters on how caregiving impacts health. The presentation provides tips on self-care, approaches taken by organizations to support family caregivers and innovative programs that help caregivers preserve their own health. Sponsored by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the Department of Health and Human Services, the conference features a diverse national panel of presenters from the National Alliance for Caregiving and several other prominent health, educational and advocacy organizations.

Light lunch provided. Free hand-outs and resource materials


WHEN:           Wednesday - June 25

                     Noon to 1:30 pm


                    1526 - 5th Avenue, Moline

                    Garage Parking available at 6th Avenue and 16th Street


Sonya Paddock -309/277-0167, ext. 255 or

Email: spaddock


 About Alternatives: Moline, Illinois-based Alternatives for the Older Adult serves eleven counties  - ten in western Illinois, as well as Scott County, Iowa and promotes the independence and quality of life for older adults and their families through care management services, caregiver support programs, client advocacy and protective services. AFOA is a place to start to find answers and arrange care for older adults.

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