ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS (September 26, 2023) — After years of growth, challenges, and changes to the senior living landscape, Friendship Manor is excited to present a $12.5 million plan for a series of upgrades and major improvements. This significant funding will allow the facility to continue its legacy of providing superb senior care across all levels of retirement. The campaign, “Then, Now, Forever: Re-establishing Friendship 2024,” honors the longevity of its past with an eye toward the strength of its future.
With construction starting in December 2023, this substantial investment in the Rock Island community will bring new amenities and a campus refresh, including:
- Relaunching the Independent Living Apartments as the Terraces at Friendship Manor with fully renovated apartments, hallways and a new dining room, pub and activity spaces;
- A new state-of-the-art Therapy and Fitness Center with walking track for residents;
- Expanded and upgraded dining at the 1209 Bistro;
- Aesthetic, modern updates throughout Assisted Living, including six renovated ADA apartments;
- Improvements to Silver Cross skilled nursing and rehabilitation center, including a spacious new spa room, new hard surface flooring and other cosmetic upgrades;
- Opening of The Chrysalis Suites at Silver Cross — two dedicated end-of-life suites for the comfort and dignity of residents and their families; and
- Infrastructure care, including deck repairs, new water heaters, replacement windows, and updates to the HVAC system, including new fan coils, new chiller with backup generator power, and more.
Under the eighteen years of leadership of President and CEO Ted Pappas Jr, Friendship Manor has experienced solid and consistent growth, and looks forward to this next phase of progress.
“With this exciting strategic plan to re-establish Friendship Manor in 2024, I’m confident that our ministry will remain strong into the next decade and beyond as we continue to honor our mothers and fathers with the guarantee of care for life,” Pappas said.
Friendship Manor’s history began in 1942 with the generous donation of the Harry Cleaveland family home to the Illinois Branch of the King’s Daughters and Sons. This twelve-room home was modified to house the aging members of the organization. Since the beginning, the Manor’s connection with the KDS Illinois Branch has given it a strong faith-based, non-profit foundation, with a dedication of giving value and dignity to every person they serve.
In 1977, the organization moved to build the current campus known as Friendship Manor, officially opening its doors in July 1979. Throughout the decades, Friendship Manor has continued to serve Quad City seniors, rising to meet the changing needs and desires for retirement. For more information on Friendship Manor and its future improvements, visit friendshipmanor.org or call 309-786-9667.
About Friendship Manor
Friendship Manor is the only faith-based, charitable Continuing Care Retirement Community in the Illinois Quad Cities. As a nonprofit 501(c)(3), we are thoughtful stewards of gifts, assets, and resources. By offering a full continuum of care, along with a life-care guarantee, residents can call Friendship Manor home for life even if their financial resources become exhausted or their care levels change.