Explore the Influence of Technology on Jobs, with Rock Island Library Discussion
[Rock Island, IL:] Advances in the world of technology have extended far beyond the world of information technology. The Rock Island Public Library will host a free discussion on the impact of changing technology on careers on Wednesday, January 24.
"How Technology Is Changing, and Changing the Job Market, Too" will be presented by speaker Andy Shearouse at 6:00 pm in the Community Room of the Downtown Library, 401 19th Street. His presentation will review major shifts in technology over the last few years and how they are causing changes in the job market. Join us for a look at how changes in the digital world can affect your life.
Shearouse is the assistant director of Augustana College's EDGE Center, where he does project management and works with students on website design and marketing projects.
Free, no registration needed.
For more details, see the library website at www.rockislandlibrary.org, or contact the library at 309-732-READ.