Amana - The Duttons, international touring and recording artists direct from Branson, Mo, will perform at The Old Creamery Theatre in Amana for two performances only on Friday July 15 at 3 and 7:30 p.m.
The Duttons play everything from bluegrass to classical in their shows, featuring a variety of instruments: violin, guitar, bass, viola, banjo, mandolin, keyboard, harmonica and drums among others. They have not only won recognition in national fiddling contestsand as studio musicians, but have also garnered praise and awards in classical violin competitions.
In addition to their instrumental virtuosity, The Duttons are accomplished singers and dancers and have been recognized as superb vocal talents. Behind the scenes, they have collaborated to create unique production ideas for their shows, which delight audiences.
The show is rated Theatre G and is a special event and not part of The Old Creamery' sSeason Ticket or Discount Ticket offerings. Tickets are $31.50 for adults and$22.50 for students. Call the box office at 800-35-AMANA or visit the web site at
The Old Creamery Theatre Company is a not-for-profit professional theatre founded in 1971 in Garrison, Iowa. The company is celebrating 40 years of bringing live, professional theatre to the people of Iowa and the Midwest. We thank KGAN and Fox 28, our 2011 season media sponsor.