DAVENPORT, IOWA (May 12, 2023) — Aprons have stories to tell if we are willing to listen. On Tuesday, May 16, 6:30PM, Fairmount, join us for a presentation that takes a nostalgic look at the fashion and function of aprons through the years with humor and bits of trivia thrown in for good measure. This presentation includes a fashionable display of different styles, fabrics, and designs along with other associated items.
For more information, please visit: https://davenportlibrary.libcal.com/event/9930604.
About the Davenport Public Library
Davenport Public Library is the municipal library for the City of Davenport, Iowa, serving a population of 102,196 residents. The Library has three conveniently-located facilities: Main, Fairmount, and Eastern. Main is also the home of the Richardson-Sloane Special Collections Center, which focuses on local history and genealogy. New in 2020, the Library acquired the Outreach Wheeled Library (OWL), which brings library services directly to retirement facilities, schools, day-cares, community events, and organizations throughout Davenport. Patrons can access our library catalog, website, ebooks, audiobooks, and countless digital resources, remotely 24-hours a day. Wireless Internet access and public computers, faxing, copying, notary services, and scanning are available at each of our locations.