The Honor Flight Open begins play at 11:00am Sunday, following the Davenport North Color Guard's presentation of the National Anthem.  A representative from the Honor Flight will speak briefly and the ceremonial "first disc toss" will kick off the event.  The first annual Honor Flight Open is presented by The KUUL Morning Guys - Mark Manuel and Steve Ketelaar - and Iron Lion Disc Golf Supply.


Registration for this disc-golf event begins at 10:00am at Eastern Avenue Park (2900 Eastern Avenue) in Davenport and all proceeds help WWII veterans visit Washington D.C. through the Quad City Honor Flight program.


The Honor Flight Open is for recreational and competitive players.  All proceeds go directly to the Honor Flight of the Quad Cities, and to thank the players for their donation, Sheridan's Island Catering is providing lunch to all participants.  Disc golf play is not required for lunch - anyone donating $15 to the Honor Flight can join us for lunch, 11:00am to 3:00pm.


Dr Pepper Snapple Group also donated beverages and Whitey's Ice Cream contributed a supply of Sgt. Camo ice cream.


The Honor Flight Open will have prize giveaways, including a prize package from the Animal Welfare Center, family passes to the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry, tickets to the "Fab Four Ultimate Tribute" at Jumer's Casino Rock Island, prizes from the Quad City International Airport and the U.S. Air Force, discs from Innova and Iron Lion Disc Golf Supply, and more!


Pre-registration is not required - participants can sign up at the event and the fees and donations can be paid with cash or checks payable to "Honor Flight of the Quad Cities".  Participants are encouraged to RSVP for the event by phone or by email - (563) 570-8147 or - or via the "Honor Flight Open" Facebook page.   The recreational player fee is $15 and it is $25 for a competitive player.


The Honor Flight Open is presented by:

The KUUL Morning Guys - Mark Manuel and Steve Ketelaar

KUUL FM 101.3 Radio

Iron Lion Disc Golf Supply

Sheridan's Island Catering

Dr Pepper Snapple Group

Whitey's Ice Cream


What: Honor Flight Open disc golf event

When: Sunday September 12, 2010

Where: Eastern Avenue Park, 2900 Eastern Avenue in Davenport

Time: Registration starts at 10:00am, flex tee times are 11:00am to 1:00pm

Visit or the Honor Flight Open Facebook page for updates and additional information

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